Hey everyone
Here is my first offical blog! You will be pleased and relieved (those of you like my mother who is stressing!) to know that i haven't even started packing and that my china visa has been sent off (with my actual passport) and hasn't come back yet :-P
lol that sounds terrible but I think everything is on track, uni is sorted, accomodation for uni will be sorted, all my visa's (bar china which is in progress and on track as far as I know) are sorted, travel insurance is done and my student loan is nearly sorted and everything is booked and paid for that should be. So far it's happy days! Also I'm going to warn you now that throughout my blogging there will be many spelling and grammatical errors so just overlook those :-s (I'm talking to the grammar police out there you know who you are!)
Anyhoo next friday is the big day London Heathrow to Beijing :-D woop woop so i'l keep you updated and speak to you all soon
Nat xxx
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