Anyone who has seen my facebook status before reading this will know that i am actually (and not even lying) uploading photos now!!!!!!!!!!!!! ive got them from the memory card onto the computer now and im just debating whether to put them on here or just put them straight on facebook? i think il go with facebook because this site is retarded and never works... actually i might try this as you can do loads at a time and i do have rather a lot..... 954!!!!!!!! which is crazy! so shortly you shall finally see my trip woop woop! so im not going to ramble here much as i reckon the uploading will take a while!
I caught an overnight bus from Melbourne to Sydney and it was the coldest night of my life! it was like -3 outside and the coach had no heating and i only had a shirt and a jumper on! (that sounds like i was dressed up all smart, i wasnt its just i only have two long sleeve items of clothing and thats my hoody (which has finally been washed for the first time!!! yay!) and a shirt thing that you can roll the sleeves down which looks well fetching but i was freezing!) the only plus on the journey was that it was pretty much empty so i had two seats to myself and could curl up on the seat and sleep! i arrived in sydney and caught a quick train to right where the bridge and the sydney opera house were and then caught a ferry to where my family live! i met my auntie and had a little tour of manly and avalon where they live and its LOVELY! its soooo nice here and really sunny and bright and they live in a really lovely house where you can see the ocean from and is amonst the trees on a hillside and they have possums living nearby which i havent seen yet but you can hear them at night! Even though my family havent been hear even a year yet the kids have little ozzy accents which are sooo cute and the boys now have surfer hair which is really cute too and the girls are just to cute!
So ive had a few days just chilling and now have clean clothes!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! which i am sooooo happy about! its very sad but was rather desperately needed as my entire backpack stunk of damp from a lovely hotel in bangkok! lol all you clean freaks are thinking eeew and you know who you are!!!!!!!!
we went to a light show thing around sydney the other night too with my other aunt and uncle who came up from canberra to visit as well which was cool and they prejected patterns and colours onto loads of buildings and even the opera house around sydney and it was really cool! and i had a wicked icecream! my daily icecream has sort of turned into a daily hot chocolate though here as its a tad chilly!
Im going to stop rambling now and go upload photos woop! Again im not going to go through every 954 of them and delete the crap ones so excuse the retarded ones! Enjoy though!
lots of love meeeeeeeeeee
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