Hello!!! how are ye?
How neglectful am I for not writing a blog since the Canberra one! well i have been to the blue mountains, chilled out here, we played mini-golf, went for a bike ride, i climbed the harbour bridge and we went to the sydney aquarium and saw Nemo, Dory, Crush, Gill, and the fish the goes "my bubbles my bubbles my bubbles!!!" lol and there was a spongebob exibition on too :-D so its not even like ive had nothing to write about im just a slacker!!!
Well last weekend we were quite diseased (we reckon we had swine flu lol!) and the kids all got nasty fevers and illness but david lucy and i just got heavey colds so we were all going to go to the blue mountains for the weekend but david was ill and so were all the kids so lucy and i braved the cold (twas absolutely bloody freesing!!! i got a crazy white numb finger lol) and drove up the mountains and stayed in the cutest little B&B thing ever run by the nicest old lady and her grumpy husband! so the first day we went to scenic world which sounds rather cheesy but was amazing. we rode on a cable car thing across 2 parts of the moutains with a glass bottom part so you could see the rainforest below you! and you could see the 3 sisters from there too and the views were totally amazing! the next day we went to the jenolan caves which were incredible! we only went in one cave the lucas one, and it was an hour and a half of walking/ climbing up a million stairs through these caves full of stalagmite and stalagtites and they really were so cool and pretty! whilst driving around we also would stop every now and again when it said lookout point and follow a little road down to some of the most amazing views ive ever seen! i didnt realise quite how huge and awesome the blue mountains are! to give you an idea of the scale, we drove to the scenice world part on the first day and then the next day we had to drive to the caves and it was over an hours drive and we were still in the blue mountains and they went on for as far as the eye could see!
Over the weekend as we were all pretty much over the germs, we got everyone out and played crazy golf which was cool because it was pirate themed :-D (im obviously 6 years old inside!) and we biked around the lake near by which was cool apart from I went ahead with Ashley who's 8 and we were there just cycling along and i was right behind him so couldnt really see what was ahead because it was a narrow path and then suddely he shouts "are you gonna do it" and before i could even say "do what" i was cycling up a rock ramp thing which you had to jump off the end! ok so it wasnt exactly a 6 foot drop but when your not expecting it it was a little shock which ashley obvioulsy found amusing! lol
Yesterday i booked to do the bridge climb which was also awesome and really fun! it was a 3 and a half hour thing which i didnt realise when i booked it but it was worth it. it was about £100 and they can have up to 1600 people a day climbing it which is just ridiculus they must make soooooo much money!!! they take you up through the middle so you pop your head up inbetween 8 lanes of traffic, a walkway, a railway and a cycle way! which is cool and then you go up one side of the bridge over the top and down the other side taking cheesy pics as you go! the views from up there were really good too you could see the opera house and the whole of the harbour and most of sydney! and it was lovely bright weather and not too cold! there was loads of cool stories and facts about the bridge and sydney but ill bore you about those when i see you lol! this blogs gunna be a long one as it is! so i met lucy after the climb who had been shopping child free in sydney and we went to the sydney aquaruim where the spongebob thing was on which was cool and all the tanks had plastic spongebob characters and places in them, one even had sandys house in a bubble underwater! and best of all i saw nemo and all the other characters in real life!!! it was like i was officially a child!!! ooh and we saw dugongs which are so cute, well theyre absolutely huge and some would say a little ugly but i think theyre cute! and greedy those things eat constantly!!! the keepers put lettuce leaves in on big trays and as soon as they are done they feed them again!!! apparently they eat 8-10% of their body weight a day!!!
So my plans for the next few days are, catch a bus up to Hervey bay where il do a 4 wheel self drive (not me obviously me canny drive!) for 2 days camping on fraser island, then catch another bus up to airlie beach where il do a 2 day sailing tour round the whitsunday islands where i think i can snorkel in the great barrier reef and go find nemo in the wild!!! woop woop!!! then catch a bus up to cairns where il stay for a day then catch a plane back to sydney for a night (they changed my flights before i left so i have to do that) and so will meet lucy and everyone in sydney spend the night with them before i catch one early-ass plane to CHILE WOOP WOOP!!! i cant believe its come round already thats the last chunk of my trip!!! so il spend 4 nights in Santiago Chile and then fly up to La Paz (Bolivia) where i start a group tour that day (so for all you worrying im going to die in bolivia alone im not so chill lol!) and then my group tour will take me all through peru and see machu picchu WOOOHOOOOO aka what i have really been waiting for!!! although i wasnt to pleased to read on the news things on hotmail yesterday "children die in peru from intense cold" i looked up the weather for where im going and its going to be not too cold but freexing at night - yay - not!!! but hopefully i wont get hyperthermia and die :-D but at least i can buy one of those cool peru hats with the crazy patterns and colours and ear coverers :-P (the ones everyone has back home but mine will be from peru lol)
So i hope thats updated you sufficiently and no doubt il have more stories from up the coast soon :-D hope your all well and speak to you soon!
lotsa love natsy
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