Hello People's!
Hope your all good! i just got back from Fraser Island which is THE most beautiful place ive ever seen along with the blue mountains!!! it looks exactly if not more beautiful than the most beautiful picture or photo of a beach or "paradise" that you have ever seen! twas very pretty indeed! and the weather was good too and rather hot! but it stil wasnt warm enough to swim but paddling did me fine! and your not allowed to swin in the sea anyway as there are big ol sharkys that will eat you up for din dins!!! and jellyfish that will sting your botty!!! (or any part of you that touches them really theyre not preverts!!!) but the lakes in land are fine and the most clear waters ive ever seen apparently you could see the drop off perfectly a few meters in!
we camped in a rotunda thing the first night and had a BBQ (had to be done we were on an island in oz for gods sake! which was good and it was on the aboriginals land not land of the government so we were allowed a camp fire (you arent allowed them normally but obviously the aboriginals can do what they want on their own land) so we toasted marshmallows and got rather silly on goon (if i havent explained goon already its the cheapest wine here that comes in a 4 litre box for about 5 quid!!! basically its like drinking piss but it was so cold we needed it to warm us up lol! its called goon because thats the aboriginal word for pillow and as it comes in a plastic bag when you have finished it you can blow it up and it looks like a pillow. we pleayed some quite hilarious card games too the first one being called s***head lol good times! we were promised the daniel the main (or only aboriginal) guy we saw whilst staying there would come down and play the digeridoo but he didnt come down in the end but he did introduce us to the dingos and Jon fed one some chicken out of his hand! that probably doesnt sound so amazing but they are completely wild animals and its against the law to feed them or leave out food for them as they are aggresive and eat small children (thats not alie they actually do!) so kids have to be with adults at ALL times and usually families sleep in enclosed camp areas which is also where we stayed the second night and it was way warmer that night too and we stayed in tents and had spag bol and corn on the cob, i had chiken with mine and managed to drop my first corn on the cob into one of the guys lap and then the second one into my own lap after than lol i swear i have more dinner down my lap than ive eaten over the past few days!!!
we got around the island in a massive 4 wheel drive jeep thing with 3 in the front and 8 in the back that we drove ourselves (not me obviously as me have no license but i was given the job of sitting in the midget chair! the middle seat in the front was obviously built for a small child so the guy who gave us the safety talks and stuff just pointed at me and was like thatl be you in that seat then nat!) this huy chris was hilarious! he was the most australian man ive ever met and every second word was facking this and facking that in the thickest accent youve ever heard! he was sooo funny and the most unpolitically correct person ever but thats what made him funny!!! he was quite outragous (cant spell it but hey!)
mom if you had been there you would have actually had a heart attack and died! as the roads were all soft sand and there were a few hairy moments!!! where the sea moves the sand around sometimes there is no path but through big pot holes of sand and rocks and water so the truck just jiggles around all over the place and seems like all 3 ton of it is about to tip over and everyone in the back craps themselves!!! our truck had a big blue cover over all our stuff on the top so we called it marge (as in simpson lol) but she did us well and we survived!!! it was a great trip though and when you see the pics youll see why ive gon on about the prettiness of it!!! oooh and we saw whales and sharks out at sea and a dead turtle :-( it was washed up on the beach and i took a picture of it before i knew it was dead i thought it was playing dead because of all the people around it! poor turtle!!!
anyhoo this internet is bleeding expensive so i only have afew minutes left so have to stop rambling now but take care and il probably write something from up in the whitsundays in a few days so until then my friends i must bid goodbye lol (how dramatic was that!) see you later!!!!! take care!!!!! love youuuu
Natty xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx
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