We haven't written in a few days because of the internet situation and the fact that we have been super busy with the start of classes. On the ship we have "A" days and "B" days, and now we have completed a cycle of both days. We have taught one session of each of our courses and now the students have a chance to drop/add.
We had some pretty rough seas after we left Halifax, but now we are almost half way to Spain and we are ahead of the storm so things are looking up. Today we had very calm seas and also it feels better because we are traveling at the regular 14 knots instead of the "beat the hurricane speed" of 21 knots. Hopefully there will not be as many people using the sea sickness bags now.
Almost every day we see Archbishop Desmond Tutu (who we call "Arch") at one of our meals. The students are in awe of him and after they walk away from having a conversation with him they look so excited. One of the guys said to me "Yep, just talking to Archbishop Desmond you do."
As we near Spain we are beginning a series of lectures in the evening called "Explorer Seminars;" they are optional for the students, faculty and staff. We attended tonight's lecture given by Dean David Gies who just happens to be a Spanish Knight... I mean seriously... who are these people? His lecture was incredible: he told us about different influences in Spanish architecture and mentioned places and sites to see while we are there. One of the things he recommended was visiting Seville, Córdoba and Granada...well that is our first overnight trip and we are so excited!
We are also heading up the "Cabaret" club with one other faculty member. We have about 60 or so people signed up so we are holding auditions Wednesday and Thursday...what day is it anyway?
Fun Facts:
-Several times a day we receive announcements from a ship intercom system so there is no excuse for not attending a meeting, etc.
-The faculty lounge is on the 7th deck and allows no students or children. It is a great place to work on your courses
-Nancy is drawing everyday for 15 minutes for her Intro to Drawing class
- comments
Melissa Can't wait until you get to Spain. My students and I are loving your information. The fun facts are especially interesting. Keep them coming. Love you both. Stay safe.
Cathy I love reading about your GREAT ADVENTURE! More information about the "Cabaret" club - please. Miss You.
Pat Davis This is already the very best trip I have never been on, and it has just begun. I had no idea Archbishop Desmond Tutu was aboard. Will he be with you the entire journey? I am in awe.
Jack Carr Wish we were with you, sounds so wonderful and educational! I hope you continue to have smooth seas - we miss you but so enjoy the updates, very informative! Dad
AUNT SUZANNE We really enjoy the updates! Are the students any particular year (freshman, etc.)? Also, what kinds of courses are available - in other words are there kids with a variety of majors? LOL
Kathy Cueva Both Cuevas are very much enjoying your blog! I missed why Archbishop Tutu is with you? ( Bob says he is there for the ballet-get it?) Looking forward to more.
Nancy Oh, how I long to be with you!! So, have you found any "Senior" positions for a couple of seniors. It's only advantageous to have "People With Pull", IF they are pulling for you!! I can't wait to see what Nancy is drawing. The blogs you send from your visited countries will be shared in my class. Is that OK with the two of you? I just love what you have already posted and will be posting in the near future. I love you both!! Enjoy the ride...
Elly Geno and Nancy, Tucker also took Intro to Drawing on our voyage and his drawings really were good. He was sketching all kinds of things in port, on the ship and in our cabin. I was afraid to step out of the tiny bathroom after a shower, for fear of seeing my behind in his sketchbook ;>}
Dulcie What a great adventure! I will continue to read your blogs. What a treasure of memories you're living!! Dios te bendiga as you continue your travels.