Well, we have been on our way to Ghana for about 2 days. We stopped to fuel today in the Canary Islands which are a part of Spain - strange since they're off the coast of Africa! The island we anchored near was Las Palmas and it is the most north-west portion of the island chain. It is the 5th largest of the 7 main islands and has a population of about 86,000. Unfortunately, we could not get off the ship, but we at least had some beautiful land to look at, and other boats to check out while we were there. When you refuel, a tanker pulls up beside your ship and hooks up the fueling hoses to your ship. It took about 7 hours for the ship to refuel... can you imagine how much that costs?
There is a cold going around; Nancy has already had it and seems to have recovered. There is also a 24 hour bug where you get a fever and some "revenge," if you know what I mean. Many, many people are having "revenge" issues - it sounds like it was something that was pretty common coming out of Morocco. Other than that, we are having smooth seas and staying very busy. Every day we go to the gym, teach, work on our lesson plans, attend nightly explorer seminars, work on putting a cabaret together, grade papers and try to get to each meal before the dining room closes. We still can't believe how busy they keep us on the ship!
Fun Facts:
-Archbishop Tutu did a book signing yesterday (his first of several) and the line went down four flights of stairs
-There are guide books from every country in the library that you can check out and review before your arrival
- comments
Cathy Friends - I wait for your blog and photos. It is so much fun to take the trip with you. I spent 2 summers in Las Palmas singing at the International Opera Festival. Beautiful place, wonderful people. Love to you both!