Hey guys, so this is a weird one, i'm feeling a bit weird lately about all of this but here i have learnt that worrying gets you no where. It will always work out in the end.
I've realised that I love the Thai language, I'm picking bits up as i go. there's something really amazing and satisfying at being able to ask for the time or the toilet, to say thank you. it's so simple but really amazing. I think I would like to learn as mcuh as I can befroe I go and then back home maybe learn even more. It's a great language with lots of energy.
The people here are great, the thai older women are my favourite. i have been adopted by a travel agent, a waitress and a cook all in the space of a week. What beautiful people thailand has. it's beautiful here, i just wish i wasnt so lonely, regaurdless of the kindness that people show me, it's very lonely in this place without the comforts of home. Geta and Moureen, the girls from the dorm back in Bangkok are here too. they've gone treking for three days. their good people, especially my irish smile box maureen.
That night was uneventful, it's a night chilled town here in chiang mai.
catch up soon guys, missing you terribly.
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