Hey guys!
Whata great day today! BOO YAH! White water rafting, the best sport to scare you silly considering that the river is flooded and grade 4 standard. AWESOME.No fear, just jump straight in.
After finding Paul asleep on the pool table outside this morning, pissed as a freaking fart, we started the day off with a bang!
Met a loely couple called Amy and Sam who were on their 9month honeymoon :) Super amazing to get people to spend money on trips instead of things for the house. Great idea guys!
Sowith anervous belly we scrambled in teams of four; me and paul, and the couple in one and Hannah and Lyzi and two german's in the other. What a great experience to through yourself down an angry swollen river with a load of other scared people!
8:30-5:30pm of full-on exhaustion. Realised how much I love sports again, hopefully when i head to the islands i can find someone to play volleyall with. I need to get to the gym, maye walk some more here, It's so difficult to ay no to tuktuk or taxi everywhere in this heat. it's cheap but it's wrong. I make sure I walk most of the way to places until it gets too unbareable in the heat. Chiang Mai is roasting though, it wont drop below 30, it refuses.
Getting on the water today was awesome although i worried about getting burnt.
Survived another day in Chiang Mai, cant wait to leave though, the atmosphere is smothering when you arent doing anything.
I plan on doing nothing tomorrow though as I cant keep getting up at 1am every morning and not going to bed until waaaaay gone midnight each night. Early to bed tonight me thinks and a good long lie-in.
Tired now, dinner is calling then bed time.
Oh yes, chocolate from 7/11 too :)
Thailand: a million
Nikki: A million back, i've lost count.
ciao mi amigos
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