Hey Guys, Sorry not to have posted in a while, it's been a few days of chill and taking it easy. Not sure if that's a good thing though. So I want to chat about my freaking epic journey from Bangkok to Chiang Mai!
I am so glad I took the train, it was the greatest journey I have ever taken! Thanks to a Danny Bridle I took his advice and booked my self onto a train heading north but not the air con editions no, the fan sleeping train and it was great. Totally and utterly blown away by it's sheer fantastic route, people and the train itself.
So you book yourself for 650 baht, about 9 english pounds onto a sleeping train for the 10hr (15hour) journey from south to north. Most people would recoil at the thought but it was fantastic! The beds fold down from the ceiling or the seats at the bottom fold out into a bed and then apply cushions and sheets and it's the perfect bed. I slept for 4hours straight, not waking once regardless of the constant rocking, bumps, loud crashes and people talking behind my own little curtain. it was great. then for another 6hours on and off i slept in until you are woken by a lovely lady calling for breakfast and tea and coffee to order. Breakfast was waiting for me as I got up having ordered the night before, however cold eggs go down in the morning, you can order toast and drinks, meat, fish or thai all for 120 baht. Then you sit up in your seats and watch the world turn from grey to green,. rice paddy fields, forest and then into the jungle it's self, the train slicing through the green swade like a knife. I'm still buzzing now, two days later, it's great!
I have some great photos and fotage of the rivers and mountains to post very soon!
The train is mainly full of westerners though, regardless of the thai toilets (a hole in the train on to the tracks, oh yeah baby you better believe it!) so it's a great place to catch up, socialise and have a great journey chilling with some good company. its a social gathering of the human kind unlike the city i had just come from.
I would do the journey 20 times over and never regret it! it's just that good. I'm almost considering changing my plans just to go back down again.
If you head to Thailand, TAKE THE TRAIN.
Love you guys.
Really missing you all, alot.
take care of yourselves, xXx
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