WeThree in a Ute
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Sorrento, Western Australia

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Yokine, Western Australia

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Port Augusta, South Australia

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Broken Hill, New South Wales

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Warrumbungle, New South Wales
Fiona I just spent a week on a meditation retreat. It was good to forget everything and just focus on the moment. It rained a bit and its still cool. I hope you have not seen any funnel webs over there. The shot of Tim in the mountains is a nice one. I am printing some out at work on the colour printer and laminating them for M and D.
Fiona Hope the last bit goes well. SAust to Perth is a bit of a mental challenge. I remember doing it when the road was not sealed in a station wagon and we bumped our way across.
re: How rude!Dianne Glad to hear from you and that you are heading westward. Still relaxing with Heather and family. Looking forward to hearing about all your travels in person. See you in a couple of weeks.
re: How rude!Lesley Great photos of the walk :) Mike and I read the blog daily and it's great to read your travel tales!
re: Warrumbungled!Fiona I just spent a week on a meditation retreat. It was good to forget everything and just focus on the moment. It rained a bit and its still cool. I hope you have not seen any funnel webs over there. The shot of Tim in the mountains is a nice one. I am printing some out at work on the colour printer and laminating them for M and D.
re: Warrumbungled!Michael I can't help but think that Lamington National Park sounds delicious.
re: Nearing O'Reilly'sHeather WOw, I always wanted to see a platypus in the wild ! We have just had a huge week which finished today with an all day diabetes conference in the city... 15 CE points down. The lectures had assessment for more points. I had to return early from last night's trivia night at school so I would be alert enough to pass my tests ! One more week then school holidays YAY ! I guess that means the roads and camp sites will be more crowded for you. Reef trip looked fantastic.
re: Platypus!Phil Definately a Ctenuchinae, as they are diurnal (although some noctural as well). Adults are not strong fliers and may exude a pungent, orange-coloured secretion. You didn't know I was a moth expert!!!! Not really, just a biologist with a book on Moths of Australia.
re: Moth or bee?Phil Suspect it's from the subfamily Ctenuchinae. Could be the species Amata aperta. Did it have a distasteful odour?
re: Moth or bee?Michael I believe its a Tiger Moth (yep, just like the plane) Lepidoptera Arctiidae is the order and family if you want to look them up. Hope you're all having fun and keep spotting more awesome bugs (and platypi)
re: Moth or bee?Zachary Desiatov Cheuk loved the photo/s!! and blog - esp the one about the road train stuck to your back bumper bar - that was funny!! I will send you an email (with my new email address - yes, we are online in Melbourne, Victoria) later today, telling you all about our trip to Melb, and new school in the Dandenong Ranges. Im a bit jealous that you have done all those cool things (love the picture of you snorkelling with the BIG FISH!!!). Keep in touch, thinking of you. Enjoy your great adventure, Love Zac
re: Platypus!- last visited

- travel plan
- Port Adelaide, South Australia
- Alice Springs, Northern Territory
- Port Douglas, Queensland
- Sorrento, Western Australia
Dianne Glad to hear from you and that you are heading westward. Still relaxing with Heather and family. Looking forward to hearing about all your travels in person. See you in a couple of weeks.
Fiona Hope the last bit goes well. SAust to Perth is a bit of a mental challenge. I remember doing it when the road was not sealed in a station wagon and we bumped our way across.