Wake up to torrential rain again and head out to look at Chambord Chateau. To be truthful we are a bit Chateaued out but Chambord is the biggest and supposedly the best. Set in huge grounds that are larger than the city of Paris, the Chateau stands oddly in it's centre looking rather like an ornate white elephant. Generously you are allowed to walk right up to the chateau and the surrounding grounds without paying anything. Saying that the grounds weren't that special. We had a walk around and ate our baguette which was jambon beurre but tasted more like a jambon I can't believe its not beurre.
Decided to drive onto Bourges which would be the start of our branch south to our friends and the end of the Loire route.
Our hotel in Bourges was on the outskirts but was a trendy apart hotel which looked great on Treacherous parking but great room including a huge private terrace with outdoor seating and table. Caught up on sleep and then went to reception to get some advice on where to eat. It looks like Bourges is quite a gastro town and the receptionist was really helpful and gave us four choices. We wandered into Bourges which wasn't two far and found it to be charming. Medieval in parts with a monster of a Gothic church hanging ominously over the town. We looked at all the recommendations and they would have been fine, but our eye was caught by one called La Bourganaisse so we tried our luck. Food was outstanding and not at all fussy. Started with a house cocktail which was their take on a Kir Royale with peach juice. We took their recommendation for wine and followed the set menu. Mains were sweetbreads for me and lamb for Richard. It was really excellent. Favourite for me was a huge Iles Flotante. Just cooked and studded with pistachios. At that point the bishop came to join us on the next table. Three courses later, after wonderful cheese and coffee, we wandered into the night.
Wonderful atmosphere. Group of young people drinking coffee and having innocent fun listening to Maurice Chevlaier records. Walked to Cathedral which was lit up like a jewel. The widest gothic church in France apparently. We agreed to go back to see it in the morning. Staggered home and to bed.
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