I made my way from Pearl Street (downtown Dallas) to Plano Downtown (a cute village) on DART, a metro system connecting different parts of Dallas. The sun hasn't had a chance to thaw the ice yet, so I had to tread tentatively, weaving from one side of the street to the other finding less icy patches.
I was 45 minutes early so I had 'drip coffee' and a lemon cake in Bake Rejoice. The bakery has multiple displays of wedding and celebration cakes. I then walked one block over to find the Fillmore pub where I waited for my ride. I haven't visited a pub since Asheville, so I decided to try a local beer. It felt right to have a beer. Something about being in Dallas. The barman recommended a few local brews, one being 'Community Wit', which appealed to me. He said it was brewed in Dallas in a Belgian style. Girl-like behaviour choosing something because the name appeals!
Phyllis picked me up at around 5.30pm. She took me past a very festive house, all lit up and sparkly. The owners have really gone to town decorating the trees, the roof, drains and lawn with sparkly deer and other displays. We collected Phil and headed out for Mexican food. It was great to catch up over a bite to eat. Later I went out with Jenny and Reggie. This time we went to a Brazilian cafe where I had a latte to accompany a pumpkin pancake with a cinnamon flavoured butter. I saved two of the pancakes for take-out. I'm still not used to the food and drink portions! We had fun exchanging stories and ideas. Despite being 11pm, the cafe was buzzing. We even had to queue! So, I had double helpings of restaurants this evening. Early dining with the parents and later dining with the younger generation. A perfect evening all in all!
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