My longest train ride started from San Francisco on Sunday. I was up super early to ensure I didn't miss any connections, otherwise I'd have been in trouble. I had to make a one hour switch in LA at the end of the day otherwise I'd have to wait three days for the next train onward to Dallas.
This time I wheeled my rucksack down the hill from Union Square and even had time to nip into Starbucks to pick up a latte. The Amtrak Thruway bus left from outside the Westfield Shopping Centre on Market Street at 0705, heading for Oakland, Jack Square. The famous Bay fog came out for the first time on my trip, so I got to experience the bridge views with a blur (as well as pristine sunshine). Oakland Station is fairly large, but had few people there. My train to LA came in on time, which was a relief given my connection needs.
I sat in the aisle seat next to a young musician named Buck, who's trying to make his name in the LA music scene (and beyond). We had great conversations about miming, magic, the similarities and mainly the differences between UK English and US English (spelling and actual word variations, e.g. Arugula vs Rocket, Cilantro vs Coriander, Tire vs Tyre, etc). In between times I went up to the lounge car to get full windowed views of the Californian scenery. I got talking to a lady who was enroute to San Luis to visit her elderly mother. She was really knowledgable about plants and agriculture, so I learnt a lot from her about the various trees and crops that rolled past the window. It was a long first leg, but was made all the better for my conversations. Buck kindly shared some of his food, and I gave him some wasabi Japanese cracker mix, as we conversed about a wide array of things. He also showed me a few tricks and tips on my iPad. The 12 hour trip passed relatively fast as a result. LA Union Station is large. I was pleased we arrived 40 minutes early, so I could pick up a coffee and orientate myself. Buck hugged me before continuing his trip south of LA, and me onwards to Texas. There was a long queue for seat assignment before boarding the train, but lucky for me, I was booked into a roomette on the Texas Eagle, and was therefore allowed to go to the first class lounge, where complimentary refreshments were laid on. Another long walk through a tunnel and we boarded our train ready to depart at 2200. My coach was actually in the front portion of the train, which was the Sunset Limited. I enjoyed the relative luxury of the roomette for the first night (through to El Paso at around 1520), when I had to switch to coach class, at the rear of the train, which was the Texas Eagle.
On Monday morning I woke up in Arizona. Interesting scenery passing through dry arid land, but with ice on the ground! My first experience of seeing cactus. I had breakfast with a lady who's a producer in LA and her teenage daughter. They'd finished writing a play together and had been auditioning kids for various roles. In between I watched a couple of movies, with half an eye on the scenery. At lunch I enjoyed the company of a girl who'd switched from Greyhound due to snow in Arizona and a gentleman on the way to visit family for Thanksgiving in Houston. We briefly passed through New Mexico, and then across the Rio Grande into Texas. Boarder guards came on at El Paso and we could see Mexico. They searched the train with dogs at hand, questioning a number of people. Meanwhile I walked the full length of the platform to move from the Sunset to the Texas Eagle. Having slept coach a couple of times I knew I was in for a long night Monday evening. I tried to sleep in the lounge, but people were partying. I tried to sleep at my assigned seat, but it was cramped and freezing. Air con and ice outside... I still don't get it! Brrr! As my teeth chatter.
I made friends with a lovely lady across the aisle from me. She'd kindly kept an eye on my luggage when I'd been wandering up and down the train. She was so excited about seeing her twin grand daughters in Dallas. I saw all the pictures from their visit to London 2012. Despite the great chats on board, Tuesday was a long day! My third day running on board a train. By the time I arrived in Mineola Texas I'd been on a train for 45 hours! Long enough. I couldn't wait to get there and see my friend Carol and her family.
- comments
Christine Phillipson What a long journey Mo but it was great that you met people to talk to & while away some of the time! Hope you are now relaxing a little with your friend, Carol & family combined with seeing the local sights. Luv Chris x
Mo Hi Chris, yes, meeting var.ious people along the way has been great and of course makes the extra long rides go faster! Walk yesterday - around a lake, then a woodland trail. It felt good to stretch my legs & take in some Texan fresh air