We are on our way home. We are sad to be done but happy to be going home. We also miss our doggies. We stopped for lunch at the University of Notre Dame (a little school spirit). I love the campus. One of my kids should go there. It's so nice. We had lunch at an Irish Pub just off campus and took a walk on campus to see the stadium, touchdown Jesus and on the way to the grotto, the church bells started ringing for 5 PM mass (we had a very late lunch). We decided to go to mass and not have to wake up early tomorrow. Plus, I like to go to mass in different places and this is a big beautiful church. Matthew was not happy but he'll thank me tomorrow morning. We went to the grotto and lit some candles and said some prayers for loved ones. And on our way again. We'll get in late tonight.
We have been debriefing this trip and we all agree this was an awesome trip. It's a hard call whether this was better than last year. They are both so different and both so fun. We've already started planning next year's trip. We are thinking out to Colorado and back. Not definite.
We all agree this vehicle extremely comfortable. No one has complained in any way. Plenty of room and comfy seats. With a tap of a button, OnStar can give you an analysis of your vehicle from the engine to tires and locate you anywhere on the map. Pop in a movie with wireless headphones and pass time enjoyably. Stand up and stretch your legs. It's great.
Most places we ate free breakfasts at hotels and cooked our own in the cabins. Probably half the lunches we made. We ate dinner out except in Yellowstone for 4 days. Our biggest complaint is eating out all the time. At home, we rarely eat out. I mean maybe pizza on Fridays and Paul and I on date nights. It makes me ill to think about eating at another restaurant. The kids agree they are sick of eating out too. Another reason we spent 4/5 days in Gardiner in a place with a kitchen. We wanted to be able to cook and not be in the car for a few days. It was a great refresher. One thing we didn't do was eat fast food (mcdonalds, Taco Bell, ect). Paul doesn't like it so it's never on the radar.
We have been keeping track of our expenses again. I thought for sure we spent way more on this trip with everything we've done. We went to zoos, aquariums, water parks, shows, buffet dinners, jet boats, rafting, horseback riding, movies, etc. We actually spent about the same as our last trip. Again, we did not skimp but we tried not to waste money either.
We forgot our tray in between our seats which is helpful for eating in the car. We don't need the tray in the back. The kids don't use it.
We don't need the drawers behind elizabeth's seat. We used it, but it isn't necessary.
One flat blue cooler is enough for cold stuff instead of two. Freeze water bottles for ice and then you can drink the bottles. I know freezing bottles is said to be bad. One or two bottles won't kill you.
Costco bag and beach bag is needed for food and keeping beach towels. We used those for carrying things on the go.
Rice milk worked great because they don't need to be refrigerated and they come in small containers. Great for cereal breakfast in the morning.
Less clothing though it's hard to judge the weather. We did wear just about everything.
4 shoes each worked (tennis, all purpose sandals, water shoes and flip flops) Cowboy boots were a novelty.
Very helpful to research attractions for coupons, helpful hints and best times to visit.
Backpacks worked great for hotels each night. PJs, bathing suit, socks and underwear always in the bags. Switched out dirty clothes for rolled up clean clothes at each hotel. Laundry at hotels.
One duffel bag for ALL bathroom stuff (shampoo/conditioner, soap, make-up, toothbrushes, etc) that way we just had to sweep the bathroom right into the duffel and go.
Make sure each hotel has a roll-away bed. Call ahead that day to make sure they save one for you.
Bought postcard stamps ahead of time. The kids wrote a postcard to themselves from each state and sent them home.
Lottery tickets were a fun daily treat.
Grandparents loved the frequent car phone calls with updates from the kids.
Fast Facts app on devices to practice math on the road.
School work activities for the car ride.
States videos were great as an intro to each state as well as the National Park videos.
Snacks in the car for longer drives.
I'm writing this list so I can look back next year and remember things and change things. This whole blog will be published into a book as a keep sake. I had one made last year and gave it to the family for Christmas. I have 3 paperbacks made for the kids to have when they leave home. I'll keep them till then. What a great trip. If you followed along, thanks for keeping track of us. I hope you enjoyed. I am documenting memories.
My last entry will be "It's all Numbers" like last year. a break down of everything in numbers.
Homeward Bound.
By the way...
We just ran thru our first mcdonalds at 9 pm because we want to get home. Paul and I are skipping dinner because the thought of eating out and worse McDonalds makes us want to puke.
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