Today was quite eventful ... well at least tonight was, but I'll get to that.
First off I went in to the Marshlands and had a look around there with Anaëlle. It's like a really funky part of town with all these querky little shops and sculptures and buildings. It was quite cool actually.
But after that we took a subway to Opéra station, which is suprisingly enough a part of town with a lot of theatres, to go see the movie "The social network" at a cinema there. It was actually quite an interesting movie, it was all about how facebook started. It was this kid in Harvard who created it and he's now only in his early twenties but yet he's a multibillionaire, the youngest billionaire in the world.
After that, being a Saturday night, I hit the town and finally went to that Australian bar properly. It was quite good actually, there was a 10 Euro entry fee but that included your first drink which was a pint of Fosters that you normally have to pay 7 Euro for anyway. It was quite expensive really so I only had a couple of pints. I met quite a few people there including an American, a venezuelan, a group of Irish guys and a Parisian pot head. But no australians even though it was an Australian bar. But I didn't stay out all that late because I didn't know what time the last subway would leave. So I probably left at about 12:40 and went to the station. The transfer at Franklin Roosevelt station took a while cause I had a quick walk up the Champs Elysées to a burger joint and then back. So I didn't get back to Marcel Sembat (the local station) until about 2:15am.
But then, this is where it gets ... interesting I guess. As I walking back I really wanted to listen to this song, and I didn't have my headphones so I just played it quietly out of the phone speakers and held the phone up to my ear, which in retrospect was really bloody dumb but anyway. Just as the song was about to finish and when I was about 2 minutes from getting back to Anaëlle's place, a guy grabbed me with both arms around the head, while another guy pulled the phone out of my hand. After struggling for while they ended up taking the phone and running off. I ran after them for a while and was trying to think of the french for "stop thief!" at the same time, but I couldn't keep up and they ran in to this apartment block out of sight and I didn't really want to follow them in there just in case things got worse. I then walked back and found a guy that I had run past and he very kindly called the police for me and then took me to the police station. I told them what happened but they didn't write a report and I didn't make any statement I think because of the language barrier. So I waited there for a while and then two cops took me back home in a cop car which was quite cool because they ran absolutely every single red light on the way. I really wasn't in the stateto think about it but I really wish I asked them to chuck the siren on for a bit while I was in the car with them.
Once I got back to Anaëlle's place I was still feeling quite shaken. But I was lucky really, all they took was the phone even though I had my bag with my camera in it and my wallet and keys for Anaëlle's place and all I got out of it was a little scratch on the finger and a cut on the inside of my lip. It really could have been a lot worse, but it certainly something I don't want to go through again, and I'm going to be ridiculously carefully wih this kind of thing from now on.
But some positives might come out of it, it gives me a chance to relearn what life is like without an iPhone, and more importantly if the insurance comes through then I might be able to get the new iPhone when I get back to Australia.
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