I mentioned before that part of our inspiration for this trip was to celebrate Michael's auntie's 100th Birthday, we did this on Sunday the 9th of June.
It turned of to be a perfect English day, despite the forecast of rain and all the rain we had had through the week leading up to Sunday.
Michael's cousin, his wife and family had set up the large garden beautifully, there were two large gazebos for guests to shelter if needed, one smaller marquee for the three piece jazz band, another for the food, another for coffee and tea and finally one special marquee with Michael's aunt sat, in her favorite chair greeting all her family and friends, over 200 of them.
We even had people from the local radio station who interviewed her and presented her with a Birthday card from the Queen.
It was a magical day and one to be remembered for many reasons.
Now the celebrations are over, we are heading south into France and beyond in the search for warmer, dryer weather.
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