With an ominous day of travel ahead of us in which we had two six hour waits in departure lounges we set out morosely from our hotel. I would add that the Philippines has been my least favourite stop to date, even more so than India. India was very hard work but incredibly interesting with mountains of things stacked on our itineraries; the Philippines has very little to offer and I have grown weary of sitting on beaches and reading, not to mention the absolutely sweltering heat when you are back in your room and attempting to sleep. Waking up in a sopping bed where you have been sweating profusely is very tiresome. The Philippines are undoubtably beautiful and its people are friendly and welcoming but it's culture and history is lacking, for me anyway.
Our flight from Puerto Princesa to Manila was surprisingly problem free with no delays.
We then had a six hour wait before our flight from Manila to Singapore.
Followed by another six hour wait in Singapore airport. We arrived in Singapore at twelve o'clock at night and desperately tired. We were 'those people' that pulled out a row of iron chairs and set up shop behind them for a sleep. Sleeping on a terminal floor is not comfortable, and is even harder to sleep when your girlfriend attempts to pull something out of your rucksack every half hour when you are using it as a pillow. Also, and terribly foolishly, I didn't bring a jumper or blanket with me so I was absolutely freezing and shivering on the terminals itchy carpet. On waking I realised that I was sleeping propped up against and facing into the glass wall of a departure lounge, rolling back my eye mask a host of asian were ogling me through the glass like I was a creature in a zoo. It was all very embarrassing but came with the grateful realisation that we only had another hour before our departure to Vietnam.
I didn't manage to sleep on the flight but we arrived at a sunny and warm Ho Chi Minh City!
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