The rest of the week in Pai panned out pretty much the same, after a couple of nights we realised that we were a bit sucked in, there was a trail of bars to follow and every night was the same, fun but the same. Note: i wasn't complaining at all We had decided to leave around Wednesday but as you know we ran into Ranny and Josi from Chiang Mai, as the story went was. Ranny had bumped into an Isereli girl called Liron at a waterfall and they had all decided to go for lunch, unfortunately on the way Liron came off her bike and had to be taken to hospital Yes i think she now knows which is the back brake and which is the front brake it is fair to say she made a schoolgirl error. 6 stitches and 2 smashed teeth later she showed up in a bar we were meeting Ranny in. Josi had a flight booked for the following day and was about to cancel so that he could stay and keep an eye on Liron who was travelling alone. But Jones and I decided to move guesthouse and stay nearer her, thus Josi could go home and we could keep an eye on Liron and show her some friendly faces over the next couple of days Yes Mummy Jackie as she is now more affectionatley known as was handing out TLC by the bucketful with her never ending supply of Ibuprofin ,Tiger balm whitch Hazel and don't forget that old classic Savlon . Se we minced about for a couple of days and had crazy nights on the bar trail, Jones even sang one night along with Liron who has an amazing voice Yes i even done this semi sober which was a first, they both pleaded with me NOT to sing! If you have never heard the delights of Jac's singing (trust me you don't) and she had, Thailand would be advertising for International Aid as no-one has a window left intact in their house.
We did however manage to get up to a bat cave, so with a tour guide on hand we entered the cave, was soo creepy as you could hear the bats above your heads, thankfully they stayed up there and didn't bother to investigate the light that we had! The 2 caves we visited were fab, all very untouched (all a bit Planet Earth was expecting David Attenbrough to walk roung the corner) and very very dark, there was a 3rd cave which has 'coffins' in that scientists are still trying to provide an explanation as to what they actually are. We had to take a bamboo raft along to this cave, and we had heard some tails about a 'beach of pooh' and people falling in. Must have been Aarons day off being the goon and was my turn. As we pulled up along side the 'beach' I hadn't noticed the makeshift bamboo walkway and just stood up and stepped off the raft, slowmotion had kicked in and I could hear every shouting 'nnnnoooo' (in a cave this can be pretty load and scary, and very repetative!) Galooossshhh went my foot, then my ankle, then my knee, thankfully it didn't suck the whole of me in and Aaron grabbed me just before I toppled forward onto the beach! Absoloute classic i have been waiting so long for a Jackie blooper but when it did it came at the right moment right into not just a pile of bat crap oh no a bloody great beach of bat crap. So it is fair to say everyone we have met along the way has now been told of the bat s*** story ACE! I then had to wash myself in the river and continue with one very sopping wet foot into the cave , I did stink though! And to all the Scientists who are baffled by the 'coffins' me and Liron has sussed it, they're not coffins...there canoo's...did everyone hear the sigh of relief from the boffins then? Only took us 5.5 seconds and 100 baht to figure that out!
Another sucessful day and story to tell, glad our small misfortunes are amusing everyone at home!
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