Well we beat the roosters up this morning again! We left our hotel at 6am for our mad dash across the border!! Today we had the luxury of a private minivan, so no chicken bus for us today!!
So we crossed the border into Guatemala, no problems. Funny to see how lapse the security is on the border, I swear I saw a dog and a chicken cross the border illegally!!
We picked up our 2nd minivan just over the border, and this is where our true strength came through! At no time did I think that I should have done bench presses before this trip...but when we had to get our luggage on to the top of the minivan I was kinda guessing I maybe I should have done some arm work at the gym!! Although we were so lucky to have Barry and Eric to help get our bags up!! They did a brilliant job!! Hats off to them!!
We then set off to Tikal, some more ancient Mayan ruins. Now many of you may know Tikal as the Ewok village in Star Wars, or others the location for one of the survivor series!! It was this cool jungle that we walked through and every now and again we would stumble across these really big beautiful old ruins! Really cool to see. Although I was more impressed with the monkeys that we saw!! They were just playing around in the trees having a ball!!
After lunch we then drove about an hour to our hotel, which is on the island of Flores. Something I did note, was that once we crossed the border, there were a lot of pigs, horses and chicken just on the side of the road grazing. Our driver did a great job avoiding them!! I also feel sorry for the guys who have the job of cutting the grass on the side of the road! These guys just do it with a machete!! No whipper snippers or ride on mowers for them! And it's bloody hot and humid out there!!
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