Din left his hotel at 11:30 today, he's going back to Phnom Penh, so me and Annie packed our bags and checked out, ready to check into his old room after breakfast! His rooms cheaper and don't have to go waking everybody up when we roll in drunk at 4:00am every night!
We all went for breakfast at the restaurant across the road, with only 30 minutes until Din's bus, it was a rushed one! He left and then me and Annie decided we needed to actually start seeing some sights here!!
So we checked into our new room, got ripped off yet again by the owner of the last one charging us for 4 nights instead of 3 and at a higher rate! God knows how many times this has now happened to us here!
Then got on with our afternoon of sightseeing, went to the War museum, it took us so long to find it as we were looking for the palace but had walked right the way around it and just ended up here! So went for a tour around and it was heart breaking! We both still don't fully understand what happened in the war but it was gruesome!
The museum is mainly photo galleries but there too graphic! Lots of children with missing or deformed limbs, Vietnamese prisoners being dragged along a concrete road by there feet, tied together naked, until they blead to death! It's awful! And the 'Agent Orange' exhibit was the worst, seeing how much of this lethal toxin was sprayed all over Vietnam and the damage it caused! It's the 3rd most lethal chemical in the world! It defoliated thousands of acres of land killing crops and other greenery and also the wildlife too! Sick!
Many that came into contact with the substance died, or suffered severe burns many that didn't come into direct contact suffered side affects and deformitys. Many of the limbless beggars that live on the streets here are a result of Agent Orange, and were born 'abnormal' due to being in the mothers womb during this time! So many baby's were still-born and the museum showcases photos of many foetus's that were removed and used for research. Foetus's in dirty bottles, deformed, and underdeveloped, some with three heads, tumours, and totally miss shaped, make this exhibit look like something from a science horror movie like Frankenstein! I actually was scared and could've cried, I felt sick walking around the whole museum!
The last exhibit however, shows photos of Vietnam during the war, the extent of how much everything was destroyed and what a mess was made, and what it looks like today; A thriving beautiful country! Made me feel a bit happier that this amazing place has overcome the war and was a nice little conclusion so I could get on with my day feeling a bit happier! :D
Whilst we were in the museum at the last exhibit, it was closing time and we had to leave anyway... We walked across town to the Queens Palace and got photos there. It was also closed now but didn't want to go in anyway, we've seen so much royal jewellery, royal clothing and I've seen a throne before! We then walked to Notre Dame Cathedral, it looked just like the one in Paris only built using red brick instead! It looks beaut sat in the centre of a contrasting busy road with surrounding high-rise buildings popping up! Widh we could've gone inside though but maybe another day, we're too tired now anyway!
Went home to relax and in the evening we met Charlotte and Becca from NaTrang! They're only here for tonight then they leave for Cambodia so we need to have a good last night out! We met them at our hotel, drank as much as we could as quick as we could at the stalls down our street.. 80p vodka and orange? Sold! Il take 10!
As we were sat drinking having a good time, two Asian guys came and sat with us, they wanted to video us having a good time and to read the name of his company into the camera... This was to be uploaded to his website alongside a photo of us! Cringe!
We loved it really though but it was awkward! One of them was such an I.T geek bless him, Becca took a liking to him and seeing his cheeks blush every time Becca stroked his leg and called him sexy was priceless!
So all 6 of us shared a taxi to 61 club and we partied they're all night... Had such good fun! Everyone is quite well dressed and it's a classy place so I don't think they knew what hit them when we turned up and started causing havoc! Annie danced around the poles all night long!
Because we got everyone in the club up dancing with us and had so much to drink in here, the owner/manager of the club came up to tell me and Annie that we could have 30% discount off of everything here from now on!! Result! It pays to be outgoing ;)
After a few hours here, the girls were hungry and we went back to our street and they ate in crazy buffalo club. This was the most hilarious moment of my life, watching three embarrassingly drunk 'ladies' scoffing there faces full of food! Charlotte ended up with half of the salt pot bring poured over her head, but that's a different story! :p
We then carried on partying here after that until Charlotte and Becca had to get a taxi home at some hour in the am, as they had to be up to leave :( we didn't want them to go, they're such good fun so as you do, me and Annie casually hung out of the taxi window as it drove off in the middle of the main road! I think the driver got bored of waiting for us to say our goodbyes and decided to leave! We then decided as we were stranded in the middle of the 3 lane junction we would carry on partying and dancing in the street! We're too hyper when drunk! :D when me and Annie finally got home I layed in bed pigging out on a kit Kat, a snickers bar and chocolate m+ms!! How revolting! You know your drunk when you turn into a night-time scavenger that furrages for food to eat in bed!! Suffice to say, i then couldn't sleep! :( what's new!
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