Today we didn't want to bore Din with all our sightseeing so we went to the cinema!! I know we've been a few times now and not remotely cultural but it makes me feel like in back in England and there so much more advanced than our cinemas! That's what I tell myself anyway, it was Din and Annie's fault really, they dragged me there ;)
Went to see step up 4, there's some really good dancers but once you've seen 3 dance routines you've seen them all and I ended up casually drifting off into a day dream for the remaining hour... The story also made no sense whatsoever!
In the afternoon we went for a walk around the park! It was hilarious! We pretended to be 'Da Mob' from the movie, busting out our hip hop moves in front of the joggers and sightseers passing by! Good job we don't care whose watching!
We found a shuttlecock on the grass, loads of people play games in these public parks, strangers just join each other! So Annie and Din started a game of badminton using a flip flop each for a racket!!! Everyone came over and laughed! I pretended to be an onlooker passing by...
I went and sat down and noticed a girl playing with a chipmunk on the kirb! Totes the cutest little furry friend I've ever seen, so I went in for photo and ended up taking it from her!! She called him Dory and the girls that came over for A look too, said it was only a squirrel but please, I've seen a squirrel before this was more like Alvin or Theodore!!! Held it for a while until everyone flocked around me like flies to s*** and it tried to bite me... Asian rabies? Me no think so! Back in his tiny little cage he went...
Oh we also met three judo guys getting there chops on in the park, all dressed up in the gowns... As sensible as Annie is she went up to them and lined them up for a photo and got all karate pose about it! Gotta love her, she's crazy!
Everyone around the park loved us and just laughed, that's the nicest thing about this place, walking around in the beautiful sunny weather in one if the many peaceful retreats off the main roads, everyone talks to each other and welcomes all races and ages, we got asked to join badminton a few times and there's workout classes that people get together for too! It could also be well romantic at night! Love Vietnam!
We went and had coffee upstairs in highlands coffee on the corner half way home, overlooking the very busy junction and hectic streets... Highland coffee is everywhere here, even though they have Starbucks and also a popular café bakery called 'Tous les Jours' dotted on every corner! It also looked over an okay looking salon selling L'Oreal and Paul Mitchell, advertising 'recruiting now' in the window... Excuse me whilst I print out my C.V... ;)
We want to get our palms read or card readings or just some form of future telling, hocus pocus, voodoo, witchcraft, crystal ball wizardry! Whatever you want to call it I want it! Just an approximate year of when I will either A) become famous or B) marry someone rich, will do!
We got back to our street and had a sandwich made by one of the stalls on the street cost like 60p? And made infront of us! Not exactly a la carté but for 60p who cares! No change given though of course! Poor Annie couldn't have anything though because the stall woman only had one knife that's used to cut the meat as well as spread the butter and cut the bread and veg!
Our street has tiny shops that sell alcohol and they put hundreds of small tables with stools out on the road, this place is packed! So we sat and had our first 'Saigon' beer for 30p! This is the premium beer and draught is even cheaper!!! No wonder it's full of tourists though... Bleugh!
I've been wanting my tattoo on my wrist covering up for ages now, it offends me that it's so bad! A 'classics' of hull special, what do you expect! But everywhere I go there frightened to cover it as its already so big, decided to go across the road to a tattoo parlour... Oh dear!
He whipped out his felt tip pen and just started drawing all over my arm! It looked pretty cool and he couldn't make it look any worse! He said it would take 15 minutes and only cost £21 so I just had it done then and then! He told me once he started I was his 1,000th VICTIM! Oh great! Excuse me whilst I pass out! It ended up taking 1 hour! I'm not even gonna complain about Asian time keeping anymore you all know how bad they are, and no way was I gonna rush him when he's injecting 5needles full of permanent ink into my body! Looks so much better though, don't worry Nana, it's not much bigger and technically I've not really had another tattoo done, I've just had one fixed :)
We got ready to go out and went back to the stall to have a quick few cheap pre drinks To save the pennies, the clubs are much more pricey! Tried a Long Island Iced Tea for the first time, they're advertised everywhere here and it tastes awful! Din told her to make them strong, it was about 300 gallons of vodka, 500 litres of gin, 6 shots of tequila and half a bottle of rum, topped with lime, poured over ice and with about a droplet or two of coke on the top! Not that I like to exaggerate ;) but it wasn't far off! Yuk! Still wouldn't waste a drop though!
Asked the lady that owned the stall about going to 61club it's supposed to be good, but she said to go to a place called Ush instead! Got a taxi and couldn't find the place! It was Lush, she clearly couldn't spell, and we'd passed it already! The prices were expensive so we got a pitcher of strawberry daiquiri to share for 3, the first one we got 4 shots each out of it do not so bad! Bumped into the girls from NaTrang on the dance floor and partied with them!
Got zero change when I was owed 80,000Dong! The girl on the bar, giggled with embaressment and gave me 30,000 instead.... I don't know how they think they can get away with it, thinking tourist don't know the currency, well it won't get past me! Gave all the change back to her and told her I wanted 80, in the end I got 70 and couldn't be bothered to ruin our night stood around arguing!
The second pitcher we got, Annie got no change and we both got 2 shots and then it ran out! I guess they don't like us now so they're being smug! Annie demanded to see the manager! Oh dear... :s
Anyway the club had closed and emptied and he offered us another drink even though we wanted money, who wants to sit in a nightclub that's closed on their own drinking? Couldn't be awkward though we accepted and he said we could only have house vodka, even though we've paid for a pitcher of cocktail 3 times the price?! Caused such a messy argument and the owner left, leaving the manager to argue with us, cocky, rude p****he was! Safe to say we will NOT be going back here again!
We left and went back to Go2 near our street and partied upstairs on the dance floor, not much fun with a load of travellers! We lost Din! He just left to go get noodle soup and didn't tell us so we went trekking around all the stalls, back to his hotel, searching everywhere we could think of before we saw him going back to the club! He's so funny when he's drunk! We went for noodle soup on the way home too, it's pretty good here but still not as good as Cambodia or Laos, and again shortchanged 3 times, if you put up a fight though, they get it right ;)
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