Today was spent walking through every crevice of Hanoi! In the boiling hot heat, we walked all over town running errands...
We needed to change our kip currency from Laos into Dong and nowhere here accepts kip! Even in the currency exchange bureau, and even though Laos is next door to Vietnam! It probably took us around 2 hours of walking around every shop owner drew us a map to another shop where they would send us somewhere else and so on... Turns out, the one shop in Hanoi that accepts kip, we had already walked past three times and is only a few blocks from our hotel!
After changing money we decided to get 3G sim cards for the month as we're here for a full 30days and the wifi is ridonkulously slooooow....
This was also a case of walking another two hours around town to try and find a micro sim card to fit iPhone! Our receptionist told us to just get a normal sim and cut it down to size but no chance were we doing any of this dodgy DIY in our phones!
Anyway after a long, tiring morning of walking around it was our only option as no where in Hanoi sells micro sim! We still weren't going to buy a sim card from off the streets though do we went into an apple store, which claims its a registered retailer... But I doubt a hut with an apple logo on the front isn't all that official! Still, it was the most authentic looking and better than buying it from a street tramp!
Nobody spoke a word of English in the shop so we spent half an hour trying to ask him how much it cost and how long it lasts ect, using an online translation website on his computer, typing in every word!!
In the end we didn't even care how long it lasted we just wanted a speckle of 3G and it cost £1.50 so we just bought it! God knows how long it will last! He trimmed the edges of it and fit in fine and works straight away :)
Jobs done... Only took all day!
After this we went for Ice Coffee and a sandwich at classic cafe, what a let down!
Then we were tired and tried looking for a massage place but there expensive here! They were all around £10 And any cheaper you have to pay for a taxi there so there not worth it, bare in mind a Thai massage only cost us £1.50!
We got back to the hotel and waited to get a towel so we could get ready! A towel took 40 minutes to arrive! By that point I could've just used a peice of string to dry on! If I'd have just showered then 40 minutes later I would have been air dried anyway! We did get talking to a girl called Celine though and made plans to go sightseeing with her tomorrow at 10:00am!
Went out at 9:30 to GC bar a few blocks away. We had a few beers in there as its the cheapest drink! :(( we ran into Alexander a Canadian architect from China, who stays in the room below us! He introduced us to Boban, a serbian guy who lives here, so knows his way around!
So we joined them and they took us to 'hair of the dog' with a group! It was already gone midnight so the downstairs dance floor was closed and we went upstairs to the 'chill out' area... Not so 'chilled out' when the police arrive and everybody is crammed upstairs, pushing their sweating stinking body's all over me! Yuk!
After one bucket of vodka red bull there, we went to Mao's bar and started drinking jäger bomb! 5 to be exact :) and more beers? Kill me now! Someone please have a spare liver for my arrival in the UK, I may be in need of a transplant!
Alex left Maos, he was wrecked! It was so random that he checked out the hotel early morning and we never saw him again? Maybe mine and Annie's humour is just too much to handle? ;)
After Mao's me and Annie left and went to the only stall Still open at 3:00am for noodle soup! What a noodle soup it was, and there was so much of it! Little did I realise it would be money down the drain as a mere 20 minutes later I was head down in the toilet being sick! Classy guy right here ;) don't actually know how I remembered the way home and how we arrived with every possession still intact but we did ;)
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