Got woken up at 7:30am on the bus at the border crossing, we had to walk to get our exit stamp. It was packed out with people barging there way through queues, two guys stood inside smoking in front of a no-smoking sign, a group of lads moaning and shouting that they had no money for a $1 exit stamp! One actual dollar? Who travels into a foreign country with not a single speckle of cash, really? It was freezing cold and this is all far too much too early for me, some guy had taken everyone's passports so god knows where they had gone, they could be On EBay by now!
After waiting 45 minutes in that Peasant house we then had to walk with our rucksacks across the border! Pay another dollar for an entry stamp listen to 30 lads complain again that they don't have another dollar! Put our bags through luggage control where everyone lobs their stuff and doesn't queue you just barge your way to the front even if for some people, that meant pushing poor children out the way!
Then when we crossed the border we had to stand there on the side of the road freezing cold, trying to not get ran over, carrying life's possessions on our backs and wait an hour for the bus to let us back on! The Asians didn't even have to get off the bus, half of them are still asleep through this whole 2hour process! But to be honest it's probably a good thing, maybe England could learn a thing or two before letting any old Tom d*** and Harry into our country! It takes hours of organising to let us go to any other country but when it's coming to the uk? Everybody seems welcome!
Anyway! I'm ranting as I'm in a mood :)
Probably because I'm starving too, for the whole 22 hour journey there's ONE service station stop! At 3:00pm in the afternoon and you either get noodles or bread, Orsa couldn't eat her noodles they were that bad, so dry, hard bread for me and Annie to last all day... :(
This has gotta be the worse border crossing ever! It takes too long, your treat like crap, no one knows what's going on and I'm stuck behind a group of chavs who are limping on crutches because they broke their ankles whilst tubing! Why are all British tourists sooo embarrassing! I hate telling people I'm from England as theyl just associate us with Nike air max trainers, trackie bottoms and beer bellies! Someone pass me my sombrero and let me pretend I'm Mexican!
When we were finally back on the bus we arrived four and a half hours late at 7:30pm! So much for having the afternoon to look for places to stay!
All together we were travelling on the bus, 26 hours! If only I'd have known that travelling involved so much travelling!!!
So from the bus station we got a taxi with Orsa to old quarter, the prices started at £24 and we ended up paying £5! They really will try to rip tourists off!
The taxi took us to the main backpacker hostel street, i already love vietnam just looking out the car window at all the shops, the nightlife and the scenery! Our luggage got trapped in the boot, the door just wouldn't budge as he'd crammed everything in so tight, even punching the door wouldn't open it... Wonder why? :/ so all our stuff had to be dragged over the seats, not too embarrassing when the whole streets staring at you as there walking past! :/
We walked into 4/5 different priced guesthouses until we found Titanic hotel for 250,000VND a night which is about £5 each including breakfast! Better than the previous hotels which were more expensive, and had cockroaches the size of my head! :o
As we didn't plan on arriving so late we had no Vietnamese Dong to pay for anything and the exchange bureaus were now closed so the owner of our hotel leant us £15 so we could go get a pizza! :D how kind!
And this is also after two British girls who stayed here last week and booked tours with his company, snuck out of his hotel in the early hours without paying their bill of over £100!! How cheeky! They were probably from Hull!
We went to an Italian Bistro called Pepperonis with Orsa, who checked into a dormitory a few doors down from us. Had a Hawaiian pizza that was gone before the waitress even put the plate on the table, and it was beaut! Probs because I've only eaten a piece of hard bread and a maggot in the past 26 hours? Who knows! Got back to the hotel at 9/10 o'clock and slept like a baby!
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