So hardly slept last night, no surprise there, the hard wood floor isn't exactly 5star :( and I could try and turn on my left side but then I was facing a massive cluster of spider webs and hearing the crows and creeks of all the wilderness animals, or I could turn on my right side and hear annie snoring her head off in my face, I'm not sure which is louder? :/
We were woken up for breakfast at 8 they gave us hot tea, with leaves taken from the surrounding bushes floating around in it, was so nice! And we had this chopped up egg omelette thing with all Thai spices it was proper gorge, the food in the jungle could actually be better than the city!! 10minutes after, we noticed two elephants just casually stroll along into our garden!! The mummy elephant was moy, who we rode on and her baby elephant, twailed came along to roll around and play up for attention! They were both so adorable within 5 minutes moy decided she didn't want to carry us any further uphill on the dirt track so she decided whatever, il push my big fat ten tonne body through the jungle, ripping branches and trees full on out of there roots with her trunk as we went! The guy directing her just laughed so I think she must always have a mind of her own!
She was walking towards the river she could clearly hear it but we were on top of a huge cliff and the passage she decided to go walkies on was literally 1foot wide!!! We're so scared for our lives she kept slipping and then walking down to munch on some leaves and she clearly didn't care what the master guy said. She just kept snotting on him every time he kicked her, I thought to mysekf go on love, don't let him be the boss of you! That's why I preferred these elephants with a bit of naughty personality rather than the really timid ones that are beaten with hooks all the time at shows! There wild animals for gods sake so I'm glad she took us off the beaten track and to wherever she wanted to go be fed/watered even if I did have to duck out the way of all the tree branches and got leaves flapped in my face constantly! Ha!
Her baby was so cute got plenty of photos of her at one point we were at the top of this cliff and she decided to turn around and start walking backwards in front of us, not watching where she was going!! Then she was rolling around putting her paws up in the air I was like calm down darl, your gonna start a mud slide! Then I think she'd had enough and started throwing mud all over herself to cool down and spraying water under her ears! :/
They were both so cute I actually want to take them both home with me, wish me luck ha...
After the hour long elephant ride we packed all our stuff back up and we left the hut to go backpacking for another 2hours to the next destination, we passed through a rice field which looked so well maintained and pruned, in the middle of nowhere!! Who looks after this!?!?!
Then from there it was a short but bumpy ride in the back of the van thing to a river, where there were rafts made from bamboo sticks waiting for us! We didn't even know we got to go rafting it wasn't mentioned when we booked the tour but we were well up for doing it and it was such a laugh! I was made captain at the front of the raft (of course) and we each just had bamboo sticks to move the raft with. You literally just shove it in the bottom of the river and push against it to go left it right and the flow of the river carries you along, in some places the flows only real gentle and relaxing but in some areas especially when turning corners we seemed to go do fast we couldn't turn the raft in time and we'd end up in a full on collision into a tree! Then annie would fall through the gaps in between the bamboo and have her legs dangling in the water! Haha! She fell 7 times I think all together, and I fell in once yet apparently I'm the one that 'wasn't pulling my weight' - yeah, okay Anne!
I was so good at being captain we even overtook a group of lads, supposedly ex-army boys! Clearly not a problem for mr and mrs rafting uk here :) oh yeah and technically when we pulled the raft to the dock thing at the end we had to paddle our feet through the river were annie fell again, so really it was 8 times in total :) after this was home time, because we'd missed tea time traffic only took like an hour to drive back to guesthouse, just enough time to air dry our stinking wet clothes! :/ then I had the most amazing hot shower, I don't think I've ever appreciated hot running water and clean smelling soap so much before!
About half an hour after we got back it suddenly went from being boiling hot into an actual tropical thunderstorm! The rain hits down on the ground so hard like hail stone and the sky is like a constant strobe light with lightning! And all this lasts probably a maximum of 15-2minutes and then it's back to normal again just as fast! So that night we went and ate local as we were both too tired to do anything and I just had a craving for good old western food for a change, the Thai food is amazing but 3times a day is a bit full on so I just treat myself to a cheeky chicken burger :) we didn't realise we were in like an american saloon bar thing so the portions were massive! I've never been so bloated... We're you actually can't be bothered to pick up your glass and sip your drink because it's too much like hard work! Ha! And this was probably our most expensive meal I think it worked out as, £4.00 or maybe just under which includes two drinks each, so still not bad going, eh? :) I'm really never coming back to England at this rate!
- comments
mummy loved reading your blog loads of people have been reading them saying it all sounds fab xxxxxxxxx
sharron I agree, fantastic blog, keep them coming x Sharron
Ali OMG our very own Karl Pilkington blog is amazing is there going to be a book ? Xx