Was woken up today by some guy banging in the door shouting for us to get up! Just a casual wake up call for our trip! Even though we were supposed to go at 9-9:30 we set off at ten, an hour late to us, on time to the Thais! We usually have a normal mini-bus take us on the tours and they're air conditioned, today we're on the back of a pickup truck with a roof! For three god damn hours! But tbf the scenery and everything on the way took my mind off if the fact that I was being stabbed in the back with a loose peice of steel and the speed these maniacs drive the vans, gave a nice gust of wind!
We had lunch straight away in a local village just on the forest it was some kind of sticky rice made by the cutest old Thai lady! And I tried papaya, it was soooo nice! Even sweeter than in England!
After dinner the trek began and it was soo much walking my feet are killing me! Why I thought it would be one level track il never know but it definitely wasn't, it's walking down hill for miles at first which killed the back of my ankles then uphill in the humid heat carrying a backpack is so exhausting! Then up down up down from there, I got twigs in my shoes, then bugs, then rocks then I got real stressed out and hot! Proper thought I would pass out with the humidity!! I thought just a 4 hour trek wouldnt be that bad but it is intense!
The scenery on the way though is amazing! It's what kept me going and stopped me saying right I'm done cant be bothered let's get a taxi ;) there's loads of rivers, streams and rice fields and bridges and tropical plants amongst the trees all infront of a massive beautiful mountain that fades into the clouds! Gorge!!! There's lots of crickets which make it sound all tropical and there's beetles which we heard that sound so loud it's like a helicopter landing and really high pitched! I thought it was someone chopping down trees with an elecric saw but the loud noise was just these beetles flapping there wings its really hard to describe you just have to be there!!
Some of the pathway is marked out all With pebbles but some of it is proper tretarous you literally walk through rivers, and over trees and then climb up mud walls! A proper work out and I'm so glad I brought a change of old shoes that il throw out tomorrow, but I should have brought socks to stop the stupid twigs digging in my feet! we walked for 6 hours! The longest 6 hours of my life without a doubt and then got too a waterfall, to be honest it wasn't anything special we had to walk to it alone without the guide which took me ten minutes, the guys infront walked off real fast and I had to go slow for annie, then she'd just turned back so I had to walk through it alone thinking this better be worth it then when I got there I just thought well there's bigger waterfalls in England!! All the scenery before it was amazing though!!
My entertainment while we were trekking was watching annie fall over 4 times, and run away from all the bugs, there's absolutely loads of these spiders with long spindly legs like big daddy long legs, there weird and there everywhere!!! She was petrified but being the butch, outdoorsy mans man that I am, I kept my cool! ;) ha!
So after the pathetic excuse for a water fall it had got a bit cooler and we were in the shade so I enjoyed the afternoon more and took lots of pics on the way back. We walked right to the heart of the forest to our little hut and it is just a hut, nothing more! A floor, a roof, three walls, done! When we got here we were like no way, no reception, no 3G, no electricity, no nothing! Just cows roaming round outside our room a three legged dog, a pig and can here chickens but can't see any :/ this just simply will not do! Ha i was like annie, im a cdlebrity get me out of here!!! and before we managed to get our mosquito net fixed bugs were just crawling all over us and flying in my ears and everything it was horrible! All I wanted to do was come home for a shower!!!
But this is what we signed up for we wanted natural just not this natural! Were literally sleeping on the floor and there's a fire outside for light! :/ everything else is pitch black we had tea in darkness lit up by two tea lights!!!!! There were moths and beetles and all sorts crawling all over the table!!! The meal was beaut though it was like a paella with rice made by this old skinny Thai forest bush man! God knows how he managed such a nice meal with just like a fire and a pale if water for a kitchen!
It's now 9:17pm in the celebrity jungle and the contestants are getting tired after a day in the outback, check in for tomorrows bushtukker trial and see annie and Michael riding elephants out of the middle of nowhere and then wateraft there way back to chiang mai ;) To enter our competition press 'like' on our Facebook blogs like 'michael' if you think I fell in the river first, or like 'Annie' If you think she falls in first :) thank you and goodnight from the amazon ;) done.
- comments
mummy i thought of lost with this picture lol. it sounded scary but great at the same time xxxx