Woke up at 9:40 today and quickly went to eat breakfast in our guesthouse, breakfast finishes at 10:00 so you have to be there before 9:30... I think they hate us :)
No croissant today I want my money back! I guess we were too late and they ran out :(
We went to get ready, checked were everything is on the map, Lay wrote me a list of things to do here, but didn't actually say what it where they were!
The national museum was closed (todays sunday) and Annie would've fallen asleep in the Army museum, so just temple seeing today!
Went and walked straight past the fountain! Its huge on the map and I looked out for it the whole way! Took us 30 minutes to walk to l'arc de'triumph looking thing, called patouaxi! It was beaut! We didn't go up to the top as we thought it was too expensive! Then we found out later it's only like £1.30! Wound!
From there, we walked another 20 minutes to the temple! 'That luang' Is Laos most important national monument! Legend has it that Indian missionaries erected a thâat (buddhist stupa) here to enclose a piece of buddhas breastbone as early as the third century BC!
We saw a couple getting married here in the park just infront of it, managed to take a photo of annie with the bride and groom in the background! I don't think it was a traditional wedding though as the women wear a red dress here and the bride we saw, was in white! They looked like they had expensive taste... My kind of couple ;)
Walked around the market, that is behind the temple, it took all of 5 minutes!! Surprisingly slightly more interesting jewellery here though, still not the ring i want though :( Or our Vientiane bracelets...
We then walked all the way back and got back for 2:35 precisely :) we stil didnt see this fountain on the way back! How do we miss it twice! Went for a hot chocolate in our guesthouse and actually got served! He brought us black coffee instead! Common mistake... NOT!
Went to go lie down tried to ween ourselves onto taking malaria pills earlier in the day in the hopes of stopping Annie's nightmares :/ BIG mistake! We'd not eaten in six hours and we both went to vomit! I went light headed and NEEDED food fast! Malaria pills are so strong!
We went to a restaurant down the street and I needed a baguette to soak up the sickly feeling so I got typical Laos soup with a baguette! Its HOT HOT HOT!!! Nice though, and cheap! I also got a brownie and a hot chocolate! My cravings for chocolate covered hobnobs and Starbucks have now gone... Choco overload!!!
Went back to the room tried to Skype mum but she's useless so no luck there! Showered and got ready to go out in my brand spanking new £2 T-shirt :)
Reslised it was raining... A lot! :(
We walked (ran) in the rain to GQ bar and met Lay, we stayed there all night this time, I wasn't prepared to walk in the rain to any rooftop party or @home bar where everyone stares!!
On the way home at 2:00AM in the rain under the umbrella Lay lent us, two lady boys came pestering us! The same ones shouting 'pretty boy' at me the other night! There so annoying! We stopped in the middle of the street as i didnt want them to know where our guesthouse was, we said we were going in the opposite direction! Before I knew it her hands were groaping my pants, sizing up my willy feeling my bum! I mean please! I told her annie and i were married but she was having none of it! She then went and bit my nipple!!! Weirdo! It still hurts!
I feel so abused! Now i know how women feel in England when they walk past a building site and have fat ugly men in hats wolf whisteling at them! This was too far, so then I didn't feel bad by pushing her from under our umbrella! She walked off in a mood, still turning round to check us out every few seconds! Desperate hoe!
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