Sooo...I'm writing this entire blog for the benefit Mr Benny Elliot (check out the boldness AND underlining bennyben). Basically he's moaned about not having any of my crap to read so I'm going to write a pile of nothingness to amuse him...sorry everyone else!
I'm sat in my second home atm, the Ozintro office, listening to the boys discuss various sex conquests-noiiiiice! (sorry mum!) anywhooo, i'm still majorly in mourning for the rubbishness that is the english football team-POOR!and i'm not appreciating the fact that i watched most their games in the FREEZING cold of darling harbour-yes guys, it gets fricking cold in sydney in the winter, went down to 3degrees the other day-NOT HAPPY! so i'm taking the cold weather as a sign that i should head up to warmer lands-mainly queensland, so i'm off up there in 2weeks. although, off to mackay to try and find some fruit picking-not looking forward to it, but if it gives me a tan, money and my second year visa then i'm happy. but world cup wise i'm now following SPAIN, mainly coz they undoubtedly have the hottest team in the world cup, LOVE torres with his new hair, phwooooooar. but basically, i want anyone but germany or argentina to win it so fingers crossed.
Got a majorly exciting event occuring tomorrow (all the girls will understand this) a few of us are going to see ALL THREE TWILIGHT after another, yes that's about 8hours of perving over fit vampires and werewolves!! BUT...tragically, because of the fact that was BOOKED WEEKS AGO kat and i will be missing the even bigger event of bennyben turning 21, something we've both cried ourselves to sleep about. however, we will be there in girlie spirit, although this is obvs not good enough and i've endured HOURS of abuse from him about chosing half naked men over him....LOVE YOU BENNY!
I'm trying to think of what I've been doing that isn't alcohol related, proving to be slightly hard, but i'm on a week detox of no booze, choc etc and so far so good (only day 2 and i'm working at the gaff tonight so we'll see how long that lasts!) but the intentions are def there! hopefully we'll all go and see toy story 3 before i go, reeeeeeeeeeally can't wait, esp since it's in 3D :D
It's 6months since I've been here now, totally flown by, feels like i've been here FOREVER but now coz it's winter everyone's starting to leave, either to go home or to go to warmer lands. by the time i get back to sydney in mid-oct there'll basically be noone around anymore, gonna be veeery weird.
anywho, i know i promised you 1000word essay benny, but frankly i can't be arsed! but i dedicate this whole lil random blog to you, so please stop abusing me about missing your birthday :( annnnd this is for youuu.....
HAAAAPPPY BIRTHDAY!!! (happy birthday to you, i went to the zoo, i saw a hairy monkey, annnnd i thought it was you!) hehehehehe HAVE A GREAT DAY BENNY! hope everyone from home is all good and enjoying the freak heatwave (grr) xxxx
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