Ozintro Week! Ahhh SO much to talk about, was literally one of the best weeks! I'm too tired to be arsed to write in lots of details but i'm sure once i get started i wont stop!
soooo, we were in Coogee (beach place just outside of sydney) and the hostel was right on top of mcd's-AMAZING! the first day of ozintro was AUSTRALIA DAY, which meant the plans changed slightly, sooo we headed down to the city, wandered around the harbour area and botanic gardens where we hand fed cockatoos, you just held your arm out straight and the birds just flew down and sat on your arm. was soooo good, but they were blooming heavy! and scratched your arsm, couldn't complain though! we then trotted off (in BAKING HEAT btw :) ) down to JETBOATING! ahhh it was sooo good, we went around the harbour in the speedboat and we got DRENCHED, literally buckets of water kept going on us, was so much fun, even tho i kept bashing my knee whenever he stopped the boat, but we did like 360 turns and stuff like that and i LOVED IT! theeen we rushed back to get ready for a harbour booze cruise to watch the fireworks, there were 500 of us so was bit cramped, but we were right on the top so had lots of fresh air. didn't actually manage to watch the fireworks coz i was otherwise engaged but apparently they weren;'t as good as NYe so wasn't too fussed!
next morn, all VERY hungover, we head off stupidly early to go SURFING!! i was worried i wouldn't be able to do it coz of my knee but it held out for a good 3hours so i was veeery happy! didn't manage to stand up properly, was laughing the whole time so kept falling when i got to the crucial part-oooh well! was so much fun though, but didn't realise how hard it isHmmm...not really sure what happened there but too complicated trying to change it!! definitely wanna try and go surfing again though, think i'll br doing it when i head up the east coast.
thuuursday, we went for lunch at darling harbour, which was veeery tasty (basically all i've been doing ehre is eating, it's amaaazing!) and then we went to the aquarium was was pretty good, all the standard stuff and SHARKS annnd stingrays-theyw ere huuuuuuuuuuuuuge!! like maaassive, definitely wouldn't wanna get strung by one of those badboys! also, we saw nemo!!! haha all of us girls were very excited about that (we're too cool!)
friiiiday, another scoooorching day, and lucky coz we did the coastal walk from bondi around almost back to coogee, had a HUGE bbq waiting for us when we got back (yummmmmm) i ate so much, literally couldn't move after! then did a bit of snorkeling, but i was too full to do it for too long-silly food.
saatttttt-had a huggeeeee bar crawl on the ozparty bus, and all the groups were meant to dress up, but typically we'd left it all to last minute sooo we ended up dressing up as superheroes which actually was amazing, you've gotta check out the photos-oh yeah, my camera has died, it doesn't like sand, so i have to steal photos off everyone else!!
last day of ozintro was up the blue mountains, up VERY early again(not fun) but did a lot of trekking around, and it's huuugeeee (shock) but managed to see lots of waterfalls and stuff like that, and i didn't step on any spiders or snakes-booonus! we went up the steepest train in the world, and i got really excited as if it'd be like a theme park ride. it wasn't. boooo. managed to freak out some asian girl though who screamed as if the world was about to end, silly girl! we then had a meal up the sydney tower, which spins around, was veeery offputting when you're trying to walk around it. we had an incredible view of sydney though, could see everything lit up and it was sooo nice. the food was (once again) soso good, it was buffet too, chinese, indian, seafood, ROASTS, ahhhh i was in total heaven. ate so much that i couldn't really move properly though-oops! we all had to check out the next day, but 8 of us decided to stick togetehr for a couple days, so we headed back to central to stay at another hostel together, which was SO much nicer than the coogee one. not having cockroaches was a good start!! but slowly they started heading up the coast :( so what was a lovely group of 8 is now just down to the dreamteam of kat, kev and i! but yeah, that was my ozintro week, and that's all my exciting stuff over for now, just jobhunting now, and got some hours at a tennis club, hopefully some waitressing somewhere so that'll keep me going and hopef save up some money for travelling up the east coast in april time-can't wait!!
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