Sooo...I'm writing this entire blog for the benefit Mr Benny Elliot (check out the boldness AND underlining bennyben). Basically he's moaned about not having any of my crap to read so I'm going to write a pile of nothingness to amuse him...sorry everyone else!
I'm sat in my second home atm, the Ozintro office, listening to the boys discuss…
Hellooooooooo lovely people :)
Baaasically, i wanted somewhere where i could keep you all up to date (specifically the parents/other worrying people) while i'm galavanting off around the world :) i'll try and use both this and facebook so hopefully it'll be like you're there with me :) it's been done RIDICULOUSLY EARLY (well 41days early) so i don't get any hassle, and because i'll probably forget in the lead-up!
Sooo...I'm writing this entire blog for the benefit Mr Benny Elliot (check out the boldness AND underlining bennyben). Basically he's moaned about not having any of my crap to read so I'm goin…
Blimey, it's been 3months since i last updated this, no wonder people were nagging me!! it's not that i'd forgotten but i've mainly been working away (work in the loosest sense!) and haven't t…
So my mum was nagging me about not having written anything for a while, so here goes!
baaaaaaaasically, i'm all settled in Coogee (my new favourite place, would be very happy living here for a…
Ozintro Week! Ahhh SO much to talk about, was literally one of the best weeks! I'm too tired to be arsed to write in lots of details but i'm sure once i get started i wont stop!
soooo, we were…
Oh dear it's been ageees since i did one of these, a lot to catch up on! ok so i'll start with my mini road trip down the Great Ocean Road! The lovely Sat lives in Torquay, which is about an h…
They say you don't miss something until it's gone and I'm quickly finding that out now you're not around. I hope you're having the time of your life and from your blog it would seem that you are. I'm waiting for you to come home.
Love you lots....
Shelly xxx
Loving your first post Melly , sounds so amazing! Keep them coming! We need some nice updates on nice hot places when we're here with the prospect of -11! (Though you do love the snow!) Have funnnnnnnnnnn chickarooo! Lots of love xxx
PS - how cute is your first message? Awww! xxx
To The Unknown-Un expected. BUT LOADS AND LOADS of fun and good times.
Have a great time - you have worked hard enjoy it and make the most of it- you desrve it.
Love Mum and Dad.