We headed closer to the equator on today's drive day, landing ourselves in historical Rome. It is amazing to see the Roman ruins scattered across the city's landscape and we have really enjoyed learning about their controversial history. We have learnt so much on this trip that we believe we should be claiming it all on tax!
Our guided tour of the Colosseum added to our extensive knowledge that was gained from watching Gladiator on the bus.
We also saw many other sites on a walk around the city, such as the Pantheon and the famous love fountain.
We have just checked into our hotel that gets 5 stars on the Megando scale. Hot water was something that we did not get to experience in Florence. I guess you really do get to live it up 'when in Rome'!
- comments
Kaylene Thanks Scott for the phone call and telling us all about your great adventures. Reading your blog Megan is the highlight of my day. Glad you are haviing a great time.
Deb You will be an excellent source for me when I prepare for multicultural Day at school. Think about what country I could do... food, craft, few photos. Great. All prepared 7 months in advance.
Shan Megie, I have been doing some preperation for Australia Day, as in watching clips of Sam Kekovich (the lamb guy) He said No wonder rome was left in ruins, their emporior was named after salad (hehehe) I am pretty sure your big brother would agree :D