We travelled to Olympos, which is a small wooded valley by the sea, it has a conservation order that nothing can be brick built, and there is no camping, so we are staying in wooden huts, they call them tree houses, but they are not up in trees, the complex we are staying in has lots of orange and Lemon trees, the blossom fragrance is everywhere. There are small ruins near the beach, which, of course you have to pay for, but it is cheap if you get the multi entrance pass, which we did, most people are just chillin here, including ourselves.
We had a fancy dress party for David, who is now 70 years young, which was good fun.
We visited the Chimera fires, which are never ending fires mentioned in Greek stories.
We walked a ten k walk today, and Jackie beat me at table tennis, I will get her back another time.
We will be moving off early tomorrow for a long day on the road and a bush camp
- comments
Lynn Wow theChimera fires sound really interesting, i will have to look that up on the internet. The Hutcheon family are unbeatable with it comes to ping pong!!!! Were you allowed to pick the fruit??