Hi Martin - it's here. Are you still in the UK or have you continued with your travels. I had been meaning to check your block for absolutely ages and finally got round to it today!
Mum & Brian
20th June Hi Jack & martin interesting seeing all your photos I know what to get you for xmas ( the biggest albun we can) but please keep sending them have you lost any weight or isit the oposite family all o.k. having some sunshine at the moment the only thing is steven has been made redundant and tom meg becky and lloyd are off out all together he did say where but I forgot. Glynis has just been talking to brian as it is their 32nd anniversary time fllies.We did not tell you before but I had an accident on the boat they thought I had broken my back I went to a spanish hosp; where they x-rayed it thank goodness no broken bones so we had to leave our holiday after 5 days at sea and we got a flight home where I have been to the local hosp for more ex-rays an on going tests spent 4 weeks in bed because of pain I told lyn and steve not to tell you but I am on the way to recoverey now so please do not worry am in good hands. lots of love to you both love mum & brian xxxxxxxx
Brian & Mum
dear jacky & martin no panic we have got your blog back we have read all the places you have been jacky did you use the sent bottle you took with you as a vinerette it sounds as if you needed it from what martin says about the toilets all the photos and martins discription are so interesting we feel as though we are there with you . well my lovelies will sign off now lots of love & hugs brian & mum xxxxxxxx
Martin Wild
Thanks for all your comments will update when we can we have been lucky to get wifi in iran at a hostel but this will reduce as we get near the border with pakistan, but you never know!
Hi Martin & Jackie,
As Alan stated, keep up the blog and photos makes good reading. Looking forward to a presentation on a club night!!
Hi Martin & Jackie,
Looks to be a great experience. I am jealous too you lucky people. Ruth says she doesn't like the idea of camping though. Great pictures of some very special places. Good luck and enjoy.
Fi And Rob
Hi guys i've found you. You look like you having a ball how fantastic - the photos are amazing keep them coming, we so happy for you both - but to be honest I'm bloody jealous wish I was with you. bet it feels unreal dosn't it? sending you lots of love - keep enjoying yourselves, and speak soon xxxxxxxx
Mum and brian use jackies email we will wave to you as well
Mum & Brian
hi jack & martin glad you enjoyed the ballon ride but sorry about all the rain we sent it over to you so you felt at home. we got so jealous you are on holiday we are off tomorrow (sat;) in a weeks time we will be in the med very near turkey so we will give you a little wave hope you did not have to pay anything to the lorry repair . If we want an e-mail not on the blog is it jackys number we use ? we hope we will be able to follow you during the 2 weeks we are away if they have comp; on the ship we hope to get in touch via them but if not you will have a rest from us for 2 weeks Take care lots of love mum & brian xxxxxxx
Martin Wild
Thanks for all your comments its great to see that you are enjoying our travels
Hi guys looks absolutely fab but where's the ensuite ! Hope your having loads of fun
Hi Bro & Jackie......looks like you are having a good time... We are keeping a keen eye on your adventures....Alls well at home......