12th Dec onwards Kovallam
Another interesting bus ride changing @ Travandrium to Kovallam. As much as you think you understnad the way it works you dont and never will i think. another 3.5hrs of interesting conversation & polite gestures with the locals.
Well Kovallam is a beautiful tiny beach priety clean apart from the local morning habits of the locals. The fisherman here hail their nets in by hand every morning with their daily catch which is hardly anything. They chant their songs to get into rythme I unfortuneatly have to run around them much to their delight!!! he sun rises here around 05:30 and I have to be out running by 06:00hrs otherwise it is tooo hot!!!!
We are enjoying this place so much we have decided to stay until the new year hoping Allepy might be a bit quieter then.
So to ALL Have Great Christmas & New Year we certainly will
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