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Kumasi, Ghana

New blog entry posted
Kumasi, Ghana

New blog entry posted
Kumasi, Ghana

New blog entry posted
Kumasi, Ghana

New blog entry posted
Kumasi, Ghana
hawa i have a daughter who has bowed legs she is one year seven months can her legs b made straight n strong
re: DreamlandSimon Cool. Glad you've got some fun people to work and hang out with. But of course you have fun people to hang out with here in Bedford too, and we miss you! See you soon.
re: Meet the teamMark Coulson Hey Mark, just thought I'd drop you a message to say really enjoying reading about your adventures! Hope you're really well and managing to stuff done. Best wishes, Mark C :o)
re: Exploring Kumasipurpletimmy Hockey with rolled up newspaper and empty bottle = awesome! love it! gee so much is happening in ur blog, I am lagging behind... :-)
re: Kimilili, KenyaDave and Ros Wow, so exciting! Amazing to hear how much has happened in such a short space of time, and great blog reports, Mark. PTL and well done everyone! Our love, prayers and greetings to all. Dad and mum (Dave & Ros)
re: Puppet extravaganzaClaire and Martin Sounds such fun, if exhausting! Wish we were with you! Keep blogging, it's great. Much love C and M Sweet(senior) xx
re: Kimilili, KenyaJoanna Finlay WOW!!...hee hee. love this pic.. can't wait to get back and meet these three handsome fellows...( obviously not meaning Francis Amos and Michael, no offense fellas) These are FAB well done! Jo x
re: PuppetsJPearsons Hey Mark and Claire (and Mike and Becky)! Wow! So exciting hearing all you're up to! Loving the blog entries, it feels like we're there with you! Dave, Ros and Jen (and Gracie!) together in Huddersfield. Lots of love, greetings and prayers from us to you all xxx
re: Kimilili, Kenya- last visited

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Simon Cool. Glad you've got some fun people to work and hang out with. But of course you have fun people to hang out with here in Bedford too, and we miss you! See you soon.
Mark Thanks mate. missing you all too.