Can't believe you are back in 2 weeks, enjoy the last moments you have, but looking forward to seeing you
Love Faye
Think they have given up with the blog. Too busy having a great time. Don`t blame them a.
Hi Darling, thanks for the ethical thinking but hey take what I can get these days!! Can't you bring back a couple of those little lost babies for Mum and me!! Lol Dxxx See you in a couple of weeks. Dx
Come on Guys
Where the photos of Thailand,,
Christmas is great out their. Wish i was their..
Thinking of you..
Andy. Sydney and kids
Hi Marie, dont you dare bring me back a bum bag, designer or otherwise. Just bring yourself back.
mind you check out the guy with the hotels dad, is he single? lol just kidding. 4 weeks and you will be home, cant believe how quick its gone. But, the others would love a bum bag, the brighter the better. xxxxx
love you loads. Mum xxxxx
Marie Pascall
Hello everyone!
Sorry I haven't been in touch for so long! Asia has been a wirl wind! I will try and update this and put some pics up, it's hard when your having so much fun! Still having the time of our lifes. Auntie Trish I have done you proud met lots of lovely men, well atleast they looked lovely after a drink or too ha ha, and done better than having villas, one of them owned an hotel in the Italian Alpes! Everyone will be getting a designer bum bag back from the Bangkok markets, apart from Denkness of course, will make sure yours is fair trade of course! Hope this finds you all well, I can't begin to tell you all how happy I am, I genuinely feel on top of the world, of course I'm missing everyone, but it sure is good not having a care in the world and living life like a teenager again!
Love you all! Big Kisses Mwahxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx
Auntie Trish
Hi Marie
still having fun l see xmas is approaching and we are all so jealous that you will be in the sun somewhere still topping up that lovely tan- any rich men yet only ones with expensive villas please - l`m not shallow how can l be with all the bum bags l have - draw the line at the jacket though you can all argue over it simply don`t want it
love u lots kids send love and of course dave x go girl!!!
How funny is this, all the fantastic sights and things you are doing and all Mum and Faye are worried about - is who gets the jacket and bum bag. Well I don't want it! but like the look of all those fit, tanned friends of yours!! Oh a life time ago!! Keep on having the time of your life for us!! Love you D and K xxx
Petey!!! I wondered about you and obviously had forgotten about the blog...what a clown.
I'm so glad that you're both having such a fab time. The photos are amazing. Good thing you went to Waikiki - it rocks, doesn't it!
Where are you going to be in January?
Have fun! Cec x
But Faye I promise the jacket will be yours one day. Dont be upset. It will just be a well travelled jacket. May even throw in the bumbag if you are lucky.
Great blog Marie, keep it coming.
Mum xxxx
Fav Cousin Faye
Ok mum, Auntie janice and Auntie Trisha we all know you have bumbags, what i want to know is how marie sneaked auntie janice's leather jacket into OZ to wear on the back of a motorbike. - surely that's worth deporting marie!
Keep enjoying the travelling marie, you blogs are the only thing keeping this lot sane!!!
Love you lots
Fav Cousin Faye
It all looks so fantastic. The photos are gorgeous, you both look so happy and healthy. Enjoy your last few days in Aussie.