After reading this - I won;t be doing sydney now!, see what your missing marie - they are all still as made as ever.
Was going to get daniel to read your blogs.... might have to change that thought. Enjoying the blog (so is everyone else in my office) he he
love fav cousin faye
Can I do the OAP adventure trail in my 5" heels, and it would have to be a matching bum bag.
Jan x
made me laugh lol.
fancy going to the effort of looking at the blog and then leaving a message for your sister and not Marie and Pete.
Marie, fantastic blog, missed speaking to you lately, had skype on but no b***** calls me.
Love to you both
Mum x
Dont think i like the idea of you doing Sydney ( unless i can watch ).
I know...keep it clean, i cant help being a old perv
Hi darling girl,
Never wanted to do Sydney till now!!! Maybe Mum and I will do the 'oap adventure trail' in a couple of years. Gotta get her to wear the bum bag!! Keep up the amazing blog, but more importantly stay happy. Love you. Dxx and Kxx
Hi, Marie. Just keeping an eye on you! It all looks wonderful. Alex and Lizzy left yesterday and are now in Bangkok. They'll be in Bali for Christmas and New Year and Oz in mid Jan until mid Feb. So you won't be crossing paths with them. Then they'll be in NZ and Lizzy starts a job in North Shore on 15 March - 1 year contract. Hope they have as much fun on their travels as you are having! Take care and God bless. Love, Chris and Ailsa
Hi. Love the blog and the photos. Great one of you Marie in front of the bridge in Sydney, did you climb it? Sounds like Pete and I have something in common as I couldn't see me sleeping with something that has eight hairy legs! Adam, Sadie & Lewis are poping over today can't wait to see the little feller. Love you loads Dad & Sarah xxx
Great blog, all sounds fantastic.
Love the pics, you all look so healthy.
Pete, see the bum bag is getting about lol.
Getting cold here, but we love it. lol
Love you loads, take care.
Mum xxxxx
Aunty Trish
Hi Marie
you seem to be having such a good time and l am very jealous, l hope you are taking good care and being very vigilant (thats the mum comeing out in me) Any romances yet or are you having such a good time you don`t have the time? You are certainly getting about and having such a wonderful adventure. Have justed sent the blog onto angela and john so you should be hearing from them. You take great care and love you lots--GO GIRL!!!!
The pics look amazing and yes I'm jealous!!! Missing you loads and can't believe theres still 3 months to go... Now that I've finally found your blog keep adding the photos.
Take care and have fun
Booba x x
Great pics you two, but keep off of train tracks please along with the cliff tops.
Love to you both
Mum xxxx
Marie, OMG!!!! Im soooo jealous!! All looks AMAZING so far darlin!!! And now your in my best place in the world 'Byron Bay' and you visited Nimbin haha! Wicked isnt it!
So happy your having a lovely time! Your looking very well, bet the travel bug has hit in big time now!
Keeping havin fun fun fun! Enjoy every day and every place!