You flew through the air with the greatest of ease. Fantastic photo, what next, swimming with sharks or bungee. My monies on bungee.
Live our dreams. Love you lots xxxx D and K
Katie Peoples
Hey guys,
Looks like you're both having a great time! I'd give anything to be with you both living it up, instead of being stuck in a poxy office looking at the photos and dreaming! Well fingers crossed I'll be seeing you for NY in Thailand - GOT TO THINK POSITIVE. Bloody BA making me worry!!!
Keep living like there's no tomorrow, every oportunity you get grab it with both hands! Remember you only regret the things that you don't do!!!!
Take care of eachother and I'll speak to you soon. Love you lots Marie. xxxxxx
Clare E
Your mum sent me this blog and i've just been looking at all your pictures and reading your posts! It all looks absolutely AMAZING!!!
I am so jealous, yet so pleased for you!
Big kisses from Us All xxx
Trish I knew you had several bum bags..... I root through your wardrobes and drawers when I come to visit. x
Marie, Pete, update this blog please.
Mum xxx
Aunty Trish
you sure are having fun you have given me the travel bug again l need to dust off my bum bag which l never admited to having infact l have several.
Look after your skin in all that sun you certainly look tanned cant beleive you are all that way away photos are great make the most of every moment as January will soon come round - go girl
Just been on face book, fantastic photos, so jealous, everyone looks so gorgeous and healthy.
Love you
Mum xxxx
Marie Pascall
Right listen up....I have just come back from sailing for 3 days, where I absorbed the peace, quiet, stunning scenary, I had paradise at my fingers tips, to come back to find this....and to think I was worried about my friends posting the odd rude comment on here...I should have known. Denise do you want me to come home? Remember where Robert is? Now all of you behave! I think that is the first sensible thing I have said and done for the past few weeks..I definately feel 14 again and I love it! Miss you all, no big romance yet Angela and don't want one, happy being me! Love to you all be good mwah xxxxxx Will get some photos on here in the next few days mwah xxxxx
Well Angela it just so happens that Father Christman heard a whisper that you wanted a nice bum bag. x x x
Hello Marie, great pic of you on the bike. BUT no bikes please.
Love you
Mum x
Whooaa cousin, how the devil are you? Cannot believe my mum has figured this out leaving me in the dark as to what a blog is??!! Anyhow, it looks like you all are having a fab time, are you heading up the coast, be good to know what you think of surfers paradise? I hear bumbags are the latest fashion accessory up that way?? I'm hoping none of the family have got one, not sure though!! Anyhow give it loads and keep smiling..the photos are great and it looks like you're having a ball - ENJOY!! lots of love ange xx
Be carefull what you wish for.
Shell suit, hmmmmm let me have a think.
Marie come home you cant leave me here with the Earwickers. help. xxxx
Hey dude and dudette :-)
Your pics are the nuts - keep em cuming! I am so bloody jealous its unreal - I'm gonna have to do this s*** again! I can't handle living the London routine ! lol
Miss you both loads and love you both loads
Kel Bel xxx MWAH xxx
MARIE - 1 2 3 BYE xxxxxxxxx
Andy/Bob - Bob/Andy - hmmm; What's the difference!!! Not going to answer that and upset Marie...........she is so loyal. Would love to see both Sydneys!! and Jan in a bum bag! Forgot I would have to travel with the most glamour OAP, I want a shell suit!! Marie, sorry to hog your blogg, we need you to keep us sane, or maybe that's why you went!!! In the meantime lol and love u lots. Dxxxx