Love the blog, sounds like your having a fantastic time, we’re dead jealous. Didn’t quite get to all the places you been but your descriptions bring back images of California, Hawaii & Sydney. Glad you made it to Bryan Bay, I still got the tea shirt, really lay back place I loved it there. If you get a chance visit Magnetic Island on the lower end of the Great Reef, the beaches are totally natural & beautiful. Take the local boat trip around the island, great old hippy guy and he stops at beaches which you can’t get to by foot. Missing you loads Love Dad & Sarah
Steve Hudson
Cor, what a fantastic adventure! Hope things aren't too bad as I gather there's a bit of a drought going on in the north of the area.
If you get the chance, try a bottle of D'Arenburg sparkling red wine. Sounds weird, and they only make it for the home crowd in Oz (a couple of friends brought a bottle back for us, smuggled in a suitcase).
Are you writing for the 'Lovely Planet Guide' !!! We should think about getting all this published. Glad all is ok, off to Boston tomorrow to see 'The Bobs'. He may ask for Pete's ball back!! Enjoy - love you. D & K xxx
Fav Cousin Faye
no you must spread the marmite all over each other - the bugs or men won't come near you!
Loving the blog - keep it coming- e-mail me the picture and i'll put them on for you
love fav cousin Faye
Hmmm Hwaii, maybe you went to a different place to us - all I remember is sun/sea and of course (no not that) turtles. Love the Blogg. Keep up having fun, remember if you obey all the rules you miss all the fun. You are certainly leaving all the rules behind. Go girl. MMMWWWW lot you. D and K xx to Pete to.
Hi u 2, we want to know about Oz, hurry up and fill in this blog.
Miss you loads.
Love Mum xxxx
The Hostel Chef
Hey there Marie and Peter. Great blog! If you are interested in learning tips on how to cook in hostels and to get great recipes that are easy and fast follow my blog:
The Hostel Chef
The Hostel Chef
Hey there Marie and Peter. Great blog! If you are interested in learning tips on how to cook in hostels and to get great recipes that are easy and fast follow my blog:
The Hostel Chef
Marie Pascall
Hi Everyone!
Thanks for thinking of us and checking in, it's nice to know you care ahhhh! Faye thanks for the marmite tip, I will be sure to remember to eat it and not to spread it over my legs lol! Pete says it probably keeps the bugs away cos everyone hates marmite! Jo and Terry, I think your free spirit must have rubbed off on me somewhere, I'm loving feeling free and having no stress. We are in Australia now and are going to hire a camper van, with bright colours and patterns, so I really will be in the hippy zone then. I will be sure to put some pics of it on here.
P.S Sorry for the lack of pics, it takes us an hour to load 4 pics.
Love and Miss you all xxxxx mwah xxxxx
Marie Pascall
Hi Andy
Thanks for thinking of us and checking in. It seems so long since we were in Aptos; miss you and the girls we had a fab time just wish we had longer! We meet a guy in Hawaii Neil a hostel worker who is from Aptos and goes to the Britiannia Arms on Friday's for Karaoke; how mad is that, he looked after us well and took us out on all the tours, although he did nearly get us killed jumping into caves in the sea but guess that's part of the experience! His back in 4 months, told him to say hi!
Give a big kiss to the girls and Sydney and hi to Chkang. Take care xxxx Love Marie xxxx
ok Enough of this right now. Turn around and come back to Aptos. We miss you already