Apparently you need to eat MARMITE that stops the bed bugs biting after about a week - loving the blog keep it coming!!
love faye
You really did rough it in California, lol. Girl after my own heart.
Show everyone Petes bum bag, or has he dumped it yet?
Great blog you two, could get it published when you get home.
Enjoy every last second.
Love and miss you .
Mum xxxxx
Terry & Jo
Did'nt know you so much of a hippy,looks like your having a great time,love you lots andbig kisses
Hey dudette & dude ;-) ha ha
Look like your having a wicked time, like I knew you would - isn't living outta a bag FUN FUN FUN
Still really bloody jealous! - miss you both - keep having FUN
Lotsa love
Smelly xxxx
Fav Cousin Faye
Come on puts some more bits on..... this is better than facebook!!!. You do know we are all going to sell your journal and make loads of money before you come back..... he he
love you, Fav Cousin Faye xxxxx
p.s. hope you spamed my brother!
Hi Marie & Pete
Wow just read your stories and seen your photos, got a cuppa in hand, its bloody freezing this morning in orpington, keep sending the sunshine, lots of love from mandy xx and still havent completed my accounts :o) xx
Hi Marie and Pete, just spent last half hour catching up on your Blog - Marie it's just like reading your Christmas/Birthday cards, you are funny, what's wrong with 'wish you were here??' Lotto didn't come up this week, but there is always next week, keep a look out for the ol' birds!! Lots you lots Mwwh xxx D and K xxx
Pete, Marie,
Come back, Eltham’s missing you… Only joking, just the jealousy in me trying to “pull you back in”. ;-)
Blogs are wicked guy’s, sounds like you’re having such a sick time.
Marie – Stuff some of those pancakes in your purse and bring em back for us? Look bloody delicious!
Chat soon travel monkeys!
Hi you two.
glad your having fun and def want to see pics, keep updating us.
Pete i cant believe you caught a ball at a baseball game, thats like a one in a million chance, sooo jelous.
have fun xxxx
Marie Pascall
We should get some pictures on here for you finally today!!!!
Missing my ickle nephew so so much!!! Please give him a big big kiss from me! MWAH XXXX
Marie Pascall
Hello people,
Thanks for all your messages! Nice to know people are missing me and thinking about us! Oh and that I am making you all jealous. Having the best time, so glad that I decided to live out of a bag for 5 months and see the world! Take Care everyone love you loads mwah xxxxx
Really missing you Marie x
One pic of Pete, and you should have got the bum bag in the picture lol x
We are all waiting for more news and pics. xxx
Love you xxx