Trieste, Italy Feb 1, 2008 On the road again after Venice. Trieste is very neat and tidy I guess is the best way to describe. Surrounded by hills and a marina at the center of town. Definitley a nice place to be and live.
Venice, Italy Jan 31, 2008 01.31.08 Venice, Italy Carnivale! WoW!Venice is my kind of town.All we need to do in Charleston is close King for pedestrian only access, and cut up some other major streets and flood them and we would have the perfect town;It is pretty damn close as it is, but I think I need to do some lobbying with our fine Mr. Riley. I feel like the past couple of days have been some of the best and every day topping the next.It just keeps getting better.My last majo...
Bergamo, Italy Jan 31, 2008 Very clean crisp city at the foot of the alps. Very warm and welcoming hostel and probably a great place to live and have a good life. Nothing supper special though. Very modern and very different from the south
Menaggio, Italy Jan 30, 2008 Okay so the hostel here was closed...time to turn around and find the next one...oh well so much for staying on the lake. Guess not meant to be.
Como, Italy Jan 30, 2008 How could I come to Italy and not see Lake Como. I can only imagine the crowds in the summer and I don't think it would be possible to ski on the lake beacause of all the boat traffic. Very nice lake though with the Alps surrounding it and some really fantastic houses. The lake is smaller than what I thought but Como the town is very fun and worth coming back to I think.