Athens, Greece
Stuck in Athens
Well there are worse places you could be stuck in a snow storm, and I don't necessarily think Athens is one of them.Not so much for Athens though, but for good friends and just good conversation.You could be in the most exotic places in the world with 2500 year old buildings and sometimes you just need people and that's all.Sometimes you just need to break bread with others and play silly games and laugh.So that is exactly what I have been doing.
When I arrived in Athens and checked in at the hostel I was pleasantly surprised to learn that Lauren and Meghan the Canadians I spent time with in Corfu had checked in also and met up with their boyfriends as well.Because the hostel was full we were all moved over to the studio apartments that are run by the same hostel.Now knowing people at the hostel was a surprise, but when I opened the door to a newly renovated full on apartment with flat screen, kitchen and sofa I was way surprised especially since I was still paying hostel prices.The girls and company were conveniently located in the apartment below which worked out nicely
After being invited to a cooked dinner by my old and now new friends, I quickly rounded up some desert and wine with expectations of a fun filled evening.My expectations were met and then doubled.What a fun relaxing time just with friends, cooking, chatting laughing.It felt normal and was a nice break from traveling around to exotic places.After dinner we all ran into other people staying in the hostel and made our way out on the town.It was funny seeing a long line of everyone staying in the hostel walking down the now snowy street to a dance club.
That's right snow!As I recorded my video entry from the Acropolis a storm was brewing and the temperature dropping and that's when the snow started.This is not a usual occurrence in Athens, and something I have been trying to avoid like the Plague.Snow and ice are just something that do not go so well with motorbikes.As the snow fell outside though I was busy dancing the night away and what fun it was.
So yesterday and today have been much the same.It has been great cooking breakfast and dinner with my new friends, chatting and even starting pictionary games that last forever.It is been even better to have really good conversations, the kind that isn't just on the surface with really intelligent and obviously traveled people.It is interesting to learn the stories that people have and really makes you think, but beyond the stories lie the real heart of good conversation and that is talk about ideas.
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