Bamberg, Germany (back from Prague)
Hold on a minute, BACK from Prague?What a fun trip from Bamberg, Germany to Prague, Czech Republic.I must admit the trip was made fun not because of the amazing city that I expected to see based on everyone's reports, but because I was traveling with friends.Not only was I traveling with friends, but I did not have to navigate, find a place to stay or worry about where to eat.What a vacation!!
I finished my week of relaxing and visiting with Sarah in Jamie with a weekend trip to Prague.Being able to stay in my own apartment thankfully made possible by Thomas, whom I met on his BMW when I arrived.Leaving for the weekend I felt so rested and relaxed, and also felt good because I had accomplished a lot of the mundane sort of things, laundry, bank account balancing etc.
After picking up Akemie, a friend of Sarah and Jamies who tagged along, we hit the road.What a change to be traveling by car. Jamie let his handy GPS do all the navigating so I was truly able to sit back and relax and enjoy the power of an Audi A4 diesel.I must admit though my relaxation was a little on the queasy side.Having not ridden in a car for now almost 5 months, I was not used to it and felt not myself.I don't think I have ever felt car sick in my life, but having not been in one for a while and always being the one driving when I did it was odd.I managed through and did not let it get to me.With Heidi, Jamie and Sarah's dog in tow we made our way to the hostel and were relieved to find some pretty good accommodations.
After a giant breakfast at the hostel, we all set out for a day on the town.Prague was not what I expected and reminded me a lot of Budapest.There was nothing spectacular that really stood out for me.The castle was pretty interesting towering above, but I could not imagine being in this city during the summer tourist season.As it was there were hordes of people.The river was nice and the old Jewish center was a little quieter with some great streets filled with restaurants.After walking around most of the day we headed back for naps before doing our dining around evening.
Dining around is quite possibly my most favorite evening thing to do; a meal that consumes the entire evening and takes you to a different restaurant for each course.After a long day walking we were only able to complete three different courses out of the possible six.So, the plan was: appetizers Thai style (complete), soup, French Fusion (complete), Salad maybe Italian, Main course at La Casa Argentina (complete), dessert, cheese and after dinner drinks somewhere else.We had a full list ahead, but once we found our main course which happened to be at this fantastic Argentinean restaurant we called it an evening.Not only was the food spectacular and way out of my usual price range, the place was alive with salsa dancing and live music.We had such a nice time and I think Charleston could to with an Argentinean restaurant.
I really had a nice time in Prague and the trip there and back was through some pretty fantastic country side.The Czech Republic has some great countryside but as you near the city things start to get a little clouded.It was not as though Prague was dirty or unorganized; it just did not have the feel of other cities that have put a smile on my face.I really realized how great Germany was when we crossed the boarder on our way home today.Germany is truly one of my favorite countries.All the villages along the way are so neatly placed.Everyone is out walking and if you had hiking boots and an outdoor jacket you would fit right.Everyone is so environmentally aware and love being in the outdoors.Things are organized and neat, and the rolling hills are just beautiful.Not only the landscape, but the people are so honest and friendly.Even the Germans that I have met traveling I have enjoyed their company.
Sarah and Jamie are truly blessed to be able to live in the city of Bamberg.Arriving back I felt like I was arriving home.It probably helped that I have spent a week here in a home like setting with my own key and own space.I was saddened when I was dropped off not only because I was leaving my friends the next day to head north, but also because my little vacation was coming to an end.I had started to nest and get comfortable and now was going to get back on the road.
It is an interesting thing how humans like to have a home.I find myself nesting in almost every little space I lay my head down in and am always to some degree saddened to leave.Humans were definitely not meant to be on the road all their life and even in nomadic tribes they take there home and family with them.I guess I should take a hint from them.Now into month 6, I understand more and more why they hold their family's and homes so close.
So on the road again tomorrow to probably make my way up to Berlin or at least halfway…my journey is very much taking a different turn and having a different purpose which I am still working out.We will see where the Lord takes me and what it is he puts in my heart.
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