Salzburg, Austria
Ich liebe Salzburg und ich liebe Austria! So here I thought I was just on the home stretch of my trip. Back to the western world and a pace of life that is not so different from home, but little did I know that a country named Austria had such beautiful towns and landscapes. Salzburg is a must see and a city I will definitely visit again!
I woke up this morning expecting rain for the next 4 days and to be stuck in Vienna.I should not use the word stuck with Vienna, because as described before this is a magnificent city to say the least and spending 4 days in the many museums and gallery's would not be painful.It would not be painful, but it certainly would be difficult for my go go go attitude.With a light sprinkle in the air I decided to pack up and head for Salzburg for a more small town feel.Big cities are great, Vienna is awesome, but it is still just a big city and I much prefer the smaller ones.
The light sprinkle turned into a deluge and even with my two layers of clothing, rain covers etc my bones still managed to get a little damp.I was glad the trip from Vienna to Salzburg was short thus affording me the entire afternoon to not only dry out, but to wonder around this amazing city.Once dry and an umbrella over my head I started first at the famous castle for the grand view of the city.What a grand view it is!Austria and especially Salzburg just has a regal sort of feel.This is what has been missing in a lot of the countries that I have visited.With the exception of the UK and France no other country has that "pomp and circumstance" for lack of better words.It is not a fake thing, it is just a bringing forward the past.A past filled with kings and queens I guess.Anyway, the end result is a well cared for cityscape, incredible architecture and much more than just the usual shopping streets with a United Colors of Benetton.There is something much greater in the atmosphere than just tourist sites and shopping streets.
After looking over several maps, I think I am really going to enjoy the Alps.I have decided to head north now to Germany and beyond and then at the end of my trip coming from Holland and Belgium head south and hit the Alps when the temperature is a little warmer.I was almost going to just skip it, but I think Switzerland will turn out to be a favorite.The Alps are just breathtaking and even here in Salzburg at the doorstep you get the mountain feel.The air is just different and the smells even with the rain are incredible.If salt was not running through my veins I think I could live in this area and I definitely think I will venture back to Austria when I don't have a motorcycle to worry about snowy conditions.A skiing holiday and then some café hopping in Austria would be just the ticket!
It also helps of course that, daily I understand the language more and more.It is amazing what is coming back, but I am still along way from full conversations!
Austria in general is far more advanced and wealthy than even France I think, which until now has really been at the top as far as that is concerned.I had no idea and am pleasantly surprised and instead of cruise control, I am now really looking forward to the next couple of weeks which up till now have just been boxes that needed checking.It is strange how my trip has taken on completely different phases and now after coming through so much and looking back at where I was and how I was feeling in say Portugal, I am amazed.
So with rain and stormy weather in the forcast for the next couple of days I am unsure how to proceed so tomorrow will come and the lord will move me one way or another.
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