So for that past few dasy i have been heading south. i travelled through the capital city of the north island Wellington and crossed over on the ferry to picton. the weather for this part of the trip has not been good. there has been a lot of rain and grey sky but nevermind. When i reached Nelson i decided i was going to do a two day trip to check out the national park Able Tasman. For the first day i hiked from the start to a beach called barks bay. the scenery was amazing! The walk took about 5 hours to do and when we arrived we jumped in the freezing cold sea. that night we stayed in a hut with no lights. t was so cold and dark we all had a really early ight. the following morning the guide met us at the beach and got us set up with kayaks. we kayaked back to the start seeing seals on an island on the way and lots of wildlife. a truely great trip. The next stop of the journey was west port. Its a small town with not much there but we soon made friends with the locals. On the way to the destinations the kiwi bus often stiops at great spots for spectacular views and walks. I even got to stop at a vinyard to taste some wine. The next destination was truely unique. it was a pub in the middle of nowhere run by a man called les. he puts on a meal for everyone and then there is a fancy dress party. Great fun for all. xxx
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