Date: 4th August 2011
Place: Magnetic Island
Weather: Sunny but very windy again
Today we decided to hire a car. Since the cheapest place to do that was in Arcadia we had to walk about an hour to get there, but it was a nice walk so wasn't so bad. The car cost us $40 for 24 hours and was just a little rubbish ford but we still loved it because we hadn't been driving in so long!
Our day was spent exploring the whole island. First we went and did a big shop just because we could fit it in the car. We then had a picnic at Geoffrey Bay on a proper picnic table which was cool. Next we drove to the other end of Horseshoe Bay. We then went down some really bumpy road to Florence Bay, Radical Bay and Balding Bay where Laura came across a coconut which we called Geoffrey. We were going to go snorkelling in these bays but because of the wind the sea was really choppy so we didn't fancy it.
On our way around we saw some guys walking that stuck their thumb up as a joke but we decided to pick them up just because we could. It turned out they were the French guys that had been on Laura's Whitsundays boat. They found a coconut at Radical Bay as well but couldn't open it.
When we were having lunch we decided to try to open Geoffrey which we eventually did with the help of Lucas and his pen knife. We were cruel and drank Geoffrey's insides but it was OK because he was still alive. Geoffrey then had a nice ride in the back of the car and chilled out under a palm tree on the beach with sunglasses and shoes on. Later on that night though he had a fight with a possum and due to his serious injuries (a huge hole in the middle of him) he died and we ate a lot of his remains.
That night we wanted to make the most of having a car so we went for a night cruise with Lucas and a girl from our dorm. We stopped off at the supermarket to get some coke and then just wondered around wherever we fancied, because we could. It was a great night that was finished off with three great pizzas between us.
- comments
Gran Nothing like having your own set of wheels for exploring further afield, and at your own pace. Loved the humour re Geoffrey; laughed out loud at some points! A sad end for him though.