Bogota is 2600 metres above sea level and its freezing! its the size of London but doesnt seem it.
We have mostly been drinking rum and sightseeing. Its not a dodgy place at all despite what we heard. There are shady looking people on the streets trying to sell me emeralds though, which is strange!
We have been trying lots of different street snacks such as deep fried cheese with honey, deep fried plantain, chicken empanadaa, miscellaneous orange coloured empanada. there are also arepas which are mashed up maize and cheese fried with honey on top mmmm
i am getting fat
we have also been drinking aguardiente which you can buy in sports cap bottles (!) and rum which you can buy in fun size cartons (complete with straw) and litre cartons.
we stayed in Bogota for a week, visiting nice sites and trying to find damian size 12 walking shoes (impossible) and then we left for some more healthy countryside!
more words from damian shortly as he has been neglecting his blog duties..
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