Hi LIsa
Nan and Grandad wont be down when your home due to bad weather but will get down soon however dad and I will be there wild horses wouldnt keep me away!!!
Loved your photo's you look so brown wont last in England though to bloody cold!!!!!!
Room is done, nice deep warm bath waiting no showers for you! Sausages mash veg and gravy what more could you ask for prehaps a big cuddle from mum and dad xxxxx
Can you phone me on Sunday eve not Saturday if possible as we are going for a curry with Jayne and Adrian speak soon say hello to Dawn and wish her a safe flight home for me love mum and dad xxxxx
omg you look so tanned! and you look great lisa! you look really ahppy and sounds like your having a blast!!!, when are you back???
im on my day off sitting on computer and waiting for a phone call to see if i got this new job ive been interviewed twice for!! lol FINGERS CROSSED i really want it!, anyway ile let you geton with sunning it up in USA! haha, just make sur eyou come back okay!
oh p.s make sure you eat lots of american food and Frozen yogurt .. and go to a Hooters!!!!thats the best!!!! :-) xxxxxxxx and try Root bear ..lol (okay i thought it wasnt evry nice!) ;-S
Hi Lisa,
How are you? silly question really.. your having a wicked time! just been working and doing the normal Ikon thing, oh and of course heavy friday night drinking.. had a sort of goodbye get together for pellatt, and hes now in america, should be in New York at the moment!! bet your looking forward to getting back "yea Rite"!
anyways speak to you soon...
Take care X
Hi Lisa and Dawn!! ohh feels weird to be emailing you from my desk! hee! cant believe they put a weirdo in our room when i left! is she still there? so what have you and dawn got up to since i left? did you get mint leaf free pizza sat night!! hope its stayed sunny there in San Fran, its sooooo cold here in England! and i was delayed flying back because we couldn't land at heathrow coz of fog, yep just typical! ha! ohh have you been back to Jim's for breaky yet? anyways better get back to boring work now! hope to hear from you soon!xxx
Hi Lisa!!!
Hope your doing ok!!!
Hope you and the other girls are having a wicked time in San fran! While i'm just stuck here at JVH!! LOL!! :-(
Everywhere just looks and sounds so amazing where you are!!! Shocked you've actually managed to get to all these places by your self though! Lol!! Was slightly worried after you nearly got on some random train in the airport when we went to Edinburgh! God knows where you would of gone if we hadn't of dragged you off!! He he!!!
Anyways, can't wait till your back!!
Hope your still having the best time!!!
See ya soon!!
Kailey xx
Lisa And Kerry
Oi Oi!!! Us again!! Just doing some training!! thought we would stop by and see how the 3 of you are getting on in san fran!! Lisas booked her holiday to NYC!!! (lucky thing!) hows the weather?? its very cold here still!!
Love and miss you all xxxxx
i can have a job? really? did they agree to me being jacks twin? fantastic! pic and details in the post.... :)
hows the wonderful world of hawaii? while we're fighting snow off, you sitting on a beach.....still.......so jealous! mind you, i bet your bored of sand now!
ive booked my next exam for my driving instructor thingy, its february 20th...hopefully this time i wont skid my emergency stop! cant believe i failed because of that, so annoying!
Uncle Chris And Auntie Hanna
Hi Lisa, sorry I've not left a message for a few weeks, we have been so hectic in Saudi Arabia. Anyway we have been thinking of you and we are so happy to see you are fine and having a great time. I'm so pleased you have met some great people down under, they really know how to have a good! (Have a beer for me Chris!).
Anyway be safe and love to you.
PS Hi Steve Hi Jackie, great to see you at New Year.
Bye for now Chris.
p.s, Matt says 2 tell u he has the flu, hes is currently laying on the couch coughing his lungs up...bless him
Ahloha lisa, my darling little sis!!!! hows it goin? just a quick message to say hello. glad ur haveing a good time, am very jealous tho!lol!! ur pictures look fabulous and ur lookin v. tanned and healthy!! hope ur o.k, cant wait 2 cu, b safe. love nicola.xx
hey hey lis...how are u?i hope that you doing well and enjoying the beautiful weather in hawaii. i just got home from work and jumped straight on the computer to see if i had heard from you, but i hadn't.i don't blame you, you are probably having a fantastic time!!hope to hear from u soon though.it was my second day back at work today.good to get back into work..it means i can start saving ;).hello everyone, hello Mr and Mrs Warne, hope you are doing well, matty and nicky , kez and maz the same..hello to Dawn..Lis has told me about you and how you are meeting her in LA..have loads of fun...and il hear from you soon lisa..until then i miss you!! xx
Lisa H
Cough cough..........where's my email as promised like a milllion weeks ago.....hmm. I'll let you off as ur in Hawaii and enjoying the sun. Unlike me who has been suffering in this miserable, rainy, windy weather :- (
I'm still hating my job and looking for alternatives but would you believe I cant find anything?!? Whats with that?
Kerry's gonna show me the pics from Chris later when I go to give her some 'training' (we just play games and look at your journal) for her new job role!!
Please email me soon, I'm missing you lots. I appologise if I've done that thing again where I think you havnt emailed me back.....and you have.....but I havnt replied!!
Miss you lots :- ) XX