G'day mate! haha.that has to be one of the first times that i've ever written G'day mate, let alone said it.haha. Hello Mr and Mrs Warne, Matty, Nicky, Kerry or carebear(i laughed at your little nicknames) and ofcourse Maz. I'm sorry if i have forgotten anyone, so much to take in, in so little time. Mr and Mrs Warne, your daughter is an absolutely amazing person and im so lucky to have met her. Your daughter took the mickey out of me a fair bit though.haha. She told me that she came to Aus to visit her Uncle..guess who she said her uncle was....the Greatest Spin Bowler in cricket Mr Shane Warne, and i beleived her, hook, line and sinker.haha.i soon found out the truth though. Lisa and i have had a blast since we had met eachother, i had known her for three days and i didnt want her to go to hawaii!! On Thursday,we went to 'the Jellybean rockpools" in Glenbrook, Blue Mountains,we took some photo's so everyone will see them once lis puts them up!On her last night in Australia i took her out for dinner to an Italian Restaurant, then we watched a famous Australian Film called "The Castle" then went to the beach at night, it was amazing. How hot was the last Day in Australia for you lis?Almost hit 40 degrees, so we decided that we would have a barby. i was too busy talkn to lisa and i burnt the sausages and rissoles!!haha. then off to the airport, i hated this part, when will i see you again lis??!? we relaxed at the airport until lisa had to board, im not going to leave a beautifullittle english bird sittn at the airport by herself for 4 hours now am i? there are too many wierd people in this world we all live in. oh, i almost forgot, i have to give everyone a hot tip, lisa loves her lasagne, we were eating dinner and she say's "i feel like a well right pig i had no idea what it meant, i had never heard that before, we laughed so much..anyway lisa, we tried to ignore the fact that you were leaving. we stopped looking at the time, had many a bubble and whenever one of us would talk about u leaving, we gave eachuther that look that said a million thoughts..i don't like the fact that you have gone, but thats the way it has to be until next time..i really hope you enjoyed yourself in Aus...there are so many things i want to say to you, but i don't know where to start,thankyou for everything.i've never in my life met someone like you, and il hear from you soon..remember, ministry of sound 2007, Donovan Frankenreiter 'self titled' and get the song 'i miss you' by Incubus!!! oh and tell me lisa, those nocce's, are they potatoe or pasta's? hope you have had a great read, if anyone wants any photo's that i have email me. lotsa love, the boy from Aus..Chris xx...
Merry Christmas and Happy New Year!
Any new years resolutions?
I cant believe your pictures! They are so amazing! And you met Harold Bishop! That mans a legend! I named a sea lion at chessington zoo after him once cos it shook its head like Harold does......
Im fine! Nearly fully healed after my "little trip". I've still got a 4 inch scar on my arm, although its fading gradually. I went back to doctors today because my finger still hurts, only to be told that ive strained ligaments. Even i'd worked that one out! Oh, and I made an old man shout at man and wave his hands in anger cos I stole his parking space. Im going straight to hell......
I had a cool christmas, but new year was a family thing that was only interesting when the oldies got drunk. WHY DO THEY INSIST ON DANCING! I swear they do it only to embarass us, although when im old i'll probably do it to my kids. Hell, i'll probably strip and run round naked. That'd be quite funny. If I can get out my rocking chair that is... (i still have that card)!
Dan x
Matt Little Bruv
Hi lis how are you glad your having a good time
Hope your not seeing to many big spiders! looked at your pictures
they all look great.Not much happening hear same all thing weather
is horrible looking forward to booking a holiday and gettin some sun. Will see you soon Luv matt xx
yup that danny, i have car insurance now! :-) woohoo
Hey Philli, do you mean Danny, Danny?! Thats well bad! aS in the one who has his ear pierced? So bad!
Yeah take him some grapes from me as well. I don't really know why they take grapes maybe coz there not allowed chocs?! If im ever in hospital -i hope im not but you bring me grapes i'll send you back out to get chocs!! ha! jokes.
Lee! Thanks for finally making an appearance! I'll text or email you sepearately in the week! have fun! Doing nothing!
Hey lis, finally got round to writing you a message! I've been quite busy being lazy! your photo's look realy cool, i'm surprised you haven't lost your camera yet! Las vegas was wicked man! The size of the casinos' are unbelievable, they are all themed, ceasers palace has got to be the best! There is a shopping center inside the hotel which is so cool - from inside it looks like your outside in the street! wierd! you can see a fake sky and stuff! The best bit about the casinos' are that if your gambling you get free drinks so when your skint, just play on the 1 cent machines! Did i tell you i got upgraded? i can't remember, anyway i did and my seat turned into a bed when i pushed a button, champayne the lot! That has gotta be one of my best xmas'! except i had xmas dinner on the plane. Anyway..apart from spending xmas in vegas, it's just the same old happening here! wish i went to australia travelling! gotta go, i'm starving! text ya soon x x x Lee
p.s you look very australian now lol make sur e come back with at least alittle bit of the accent haha
your xmas dinner was alright then! :-)
your going have loads of xmas prezzies when you get home lol
i should be getting my car insurance this week! scary stuff!!!, test still possibly march though.. its so expensive learning to drive! :-( but i can pratice in my car next week if sort insurance .. :-)
i was speaking to Danny just before xmas.. he got beaten up by some random group of chavs... they broke his jaw so hes been in lot of pain.. i htinkhe might be little bit better now.. but some people dont deserve things like that to happen ! i havnt seen him yet though..im busy with work.. but im off next week for few days so might go visit him... to cheer him up ..take him soem grapes lololol why do people always take grapes! haha
anyway hope you had brill NYE!! i had quiet one at a freinds house... but saw plenty of drunk people on the way home staggering along the road.
Glad you all like the pics! I should try and get more of the places ive been as well as the people im meeting! I've still gotta add the ones of the sharks in the aquarium in Melbourne, the ones of the fireworks on New Years and the ones of the blue mountains!
Philippa- I had Chicken, salad, and and mash for xmas dinner and lots of chocs and sweets!
Sorry Toby! Was it boring you?! I suppose it's because there is so much i want to put in i just keep going! lol.
Glad you liked the postcard! Thought it was something different to the usual!
Yeah Rich said about the pimps outfits in his email! Cant wait to see the pics!
that was a very stressfull and packed journal entry, i feel tired after reading it!
Happy new Year and merry Christmas (better late than never), we all went to pikon new years, and me, rich kayleigh and matt all dressed up 70's style, dam we looked good, we'll show you the pics when you get back!
glad your having an amazing time, can't believe you got a photo with Todie!! lol.
well busy at work so gotta go... oh yeah thanks for the post card, it was very cool! OZ Wood!
Tobes X