By now you'll be on your sailing yacht round the whitsunday islands, probably stopped off in a bay for the night to eat, drink boxes of goon (wine!) and watch the amazing stars! next day sail to do some diving or snorkeling and then to see the best beach in the world, whitehaven beach! (ah, i'm reminising cos it's what clare and i did in the whitsundays!)...i so wish i was out there! If you havn't been already, go to mama africa's bar for a fun night out in airlie!
it certainly sounds like you have met lots of lovely travelling buddies already! see, told you you'd never be alone! have lots of fun!
take care and most of all, be safe!
love mj xx
Hi Lisa!!! Sounds like your having a absolutely fab time! I'm so jealous!
So glad that you've got some new little friends! Knew you'd be fine really!!!!
Were all missing you here very much! Bet your not missing us! Lol! Don't blame you! Know where i'd rather be!!
Keep having the time of your life and keep updating us with all the great things your doing!
Hope your ok!
Love Kailey xxxxx
Hey you, my little email buddy.
I'm missin our little chats already and I keep seein people who I think is you all the time! Very strange!
Obviously I'm missin u heaps, thats goes without saying, but it sounds so amazing.....cant believe ur there......and I'm work, which is really depressing.
Have the time of ur life girly, and I'll speak to you soon.
Love Lisa :- ) X
Hi Bear Me AGAIN!!!! Sounds like youve settled in quickly after your call on Sunday! and youve made friends!! (not that i thought it would be hard!) Things here are the same as you left them really you know what its like!! Im starting water aerobics tonight with nat and gaynor! lets see how long that lasts!! Any way you shouldnt be suck in here reading! Things to do places to see, as they say! I miss you bear you keep at it, as always your makeing us all sooooo pround xxxxx
Hey loopy lee! Hope your having lots a fun, missing you already. Im sure your seeing all the sights and quivering over the Australian accent of some fit guy you have already met!
Keep us all posted hun.
See you in LA, i'll be holding your sign up at the airport for when you get off the plane - you know the one x
Just so youve got one on here!! I love you bear and there will be a huge gap in my life for the months your away!! Im very proud of you my brave bear!! But i must say it about bloody time you done it!! Have the time of your life!!! Heres to huge phone bills for the next 3 months!!!! Yippie!! xxxxxx