Hi Lisa, LOL! I like it....
Do you guys know this one PupTB ?????
Hi everyone,
Your postcard is now on it's way!
Uncle Chris! Thanks for looking at my travel journal! Glad your practising that song i'll look forward to hearing it! oh yeah -LOL means laugh out loud.
Kailey! Good to hear from you! So what did you think of the xmas party?!
Becky, how are you?! How are you liking Norfolk and when are you moving to the bahamas? Is it still going ahead?! So jealous!
Becs! How did you know i would laugh that you fell over?! Was it at work?? So no one managed to get you drunk then! Ta! if i was there i would have! Glad the car started back up!
How are you feeling?!
I'd never forget about you! I think it shows seen as how much i've updated this thing! I always make sure i have time so you lot don't forget about me!!
I didn't go to the Australian Zoo in the end. (too hungover) I'm quite sad about that but I've done a lot of other amazing things here... I guess i'll just have to come back!
Are you ok?!
Zippy is still in my bag! He has been seeing all the sights with me... although he got a little sea sick when i was on the boat to the whitsundays!
Hope your feeling better! ha!
The head wasn't so bad on Sun as it was on Friday! I can tell you! All those drinking games! I hear your gonna have a big weekend this weekend for Mazza's birthday! :-( I'll call you when your all pissed! Curry night when i get back! I promise!
Love to all! xx
Wow!! Ur pictures are making me so jealous I'm almost in tears with envy!!
Wish I could save and come visit you for a week or 2 but you know that'll never happen!
Was in the middle of replying to your email when I pulled the wire out the back of my computer, so I'm preparing to start it all over again :- )
I'm so glad ur enjoying yourself, just dont forget about us back home! We miss you lots :- ( X
Good day Sheila, I mean Lisa!
How you doing?
Xmas party was great fun everyone got wracked apart from yours truly even though I drunk as much as everyone else. There are some pretty brill stories to tell - but as Jodie said she'll e-mail you and it's best coming from her!
Had a bit of fun with the car today Jodie and I went to lunch we got fish n' chips and sat in the park near the Bull and then the bloody thing decided it didn't want to start after that - managed to get it going again after a small panic :)
Anyways hope your still havin loads of fun - can't wait for your next update.......... take care,
Becs xx
Hey Lisa!
well the Christmas party was very funny - you asked for the gossip but i really cant put it on here!! I will have to email you as it is a very long story!!
Hope things are going well out there!?
Good a mate!!! Hearing what your up to always sounds fab but seeing the piccys is another thing!! Wow!!! How was your little head on sunday??! You can take the girl out of maidstone but not maidstone out of the girl! Still its lovely to know you havent changed Piss head!!! Well it feels like youve been gone a year all us girls are missing you something rotton!! Its almost as if curry nights have been forgotten! Ill speak to you soon.
With lots of love as always xxxx
Hello there!
Your pics are amazing!!!! Soooooooooooo jealous, you have no idea! Sounds like your making some really good friends, just dont forget about us!
Ive always said that if i went travelling the first place i'd go would be steve irwins "Australia Zoo" - i was gutted when he died! Bet its unreal!
Im ok-ish now. Ive had this week off as well, as i hadnt really recovered from my fall. Still well bruised and i think my arms gonna have a nice scar on it! Im feeling better now though, although im wondering if i can get a third week off....... ;) - whats really annoying is that while ive been off none of my friends have been bothered to ask if im ok! so rude! only matts actually been arsed enough to come and see me! im so offended! wheres my sympathy!!!! All i wanted was a "how are you feeling?". Is that so hard! So unloved!
Hope Zippys keeping you company! He smells great!
Hiya Possum,
Glad to hear youre still having a great time - it sounds all so exciting, bring us a Koala back!
Yeah Xmas party is tomorrow - everyone is getting so excited especially Customer Relations, so know guessing what were all be up to over the weekend!
Other from that its pretty much the same as how you left it, a few changes have been made but nothing to write home about lol oh yeah I fell over yesterday dont laugh I saw that smile from here, luckily no one was around to witness it but I didnt hurt myself just cut my finger!
Well keep the updates coming and Ill send you another message on Monday with all the juicy updates on the Xmas party you just know theres gunna be some storys to tell!
Take care as always mate, and try not to loose anything else : - )
Uncle Chris
Hi Lisa, reading your message board every day, really enjoyed the pictures of all. A question for you what is LOL? Have fun Chris and Hanna, PS I'm practicing a nice Rolf Harris song for you, I will sing it for you when I see you next!
Becky Lee
i cannot believe you are out in Australia!!it came round so quick!i hope u are having a brilliant time and making the most of being somewhere i can only imagine being so amazing!so jealous!
Make sure you do everything and anything, meet lots of interesting people and visit loads of places!....keep safe and ENNJJOOOOYY! ! !
Becky x x x
Hey Lisa!!!
Really sounds like your having the time of your life!!
All the pictures look amazing!
Me and Jay are fine thanks! And the other you know what... i haven't seen or heard from in ages.... so thats cool!
So many nice Oz guys out there???
Hope your ok hun! Missing ya!
Take care and just keep having a a fab time!
Kailey xxx
Lisa... always losing things! lol.
Enjoying the read of your trip so far, and you definately don't sound like a tourist...
nothing much has changed since my last message, except im going to belgium on the 15th, feeling left out with you going traveling my friends all booking holidays, so im driving to brussels to visit my alcoholic of an uncle for training! lol!
your right i should of gone with you, but sounds like your having just as much fun none the less, and we would probably of killed each other!
my address is - stepping stone, off hackney road, maidstone kent ME16 8LN - ill be devasted if you don't send me that postcard!! lol
only 2 and a bit Months to go... speak to you soon!